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Selective removal of aging cells opens new possibilities for treating age-related diseases

Unveiling the mysteries of senescent cells and their effect on aging and human health

A revolutionary breakthrough in medical research has unveiled a cutting-edge technology capable of selectively removing aging cells, offering a promising new approach to treating age-related diseases. This groundbreaking development is set to redefine the future of healthcare and usher in a new era of targeted therapeutic interventions. A research team, led by Professor Ja Hyoung …

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Protect Against Aging And Age-Related Disease With The MondoA Protein

Protect Against Aging And Age-Related Disease With The MondoA Protein

A step toward discovering the fountain of youth could involve protecting against the inevitable accumulation of “senescent” cells associated with aging and age-related diseases. Now, researchers from Japan have identified the Mondo A protein as key to protecting against the accumulation of senescent cells. In a study published this month in Cell Reports, researchers led …

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Senolytic drugs boost key protective protein

Senolytic drugs boost key protective protein

Mayo Clinic researchers say senolytic drugs can boost a key protein in the body that protects older people against aspects of aging and a range of diseases. Their findings, which are published in eBioMedicine demonstrate this in mice and human studies. Senolytics developed at Mayo Clinic and given once clear the bloodstream of senescent or …

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Exposure To Pollutants, Increased Free-Radical Damage Speeds Up Aging

Fight The First Signs Of Aging With Astaxanthin

Every day, our bodies face a bombardment of UV rays, ozone, cigarette smoke, industrial chemicals and other hazards. This exposure can lead to free-radical production in our bodies, which damages our DNA and tissues. A new study from West Virginia University researcher Eric E. Kelley — in collaboration with the University of Minnesota — suggests …

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Clearing Zombie Cells With Programming Rather Than Poisoning

Simulations Open a New Way To Reverse Cell Aging

Oisín Biotechnologies’ ground-breaking research and technology is demonstrating that the solution to mitigating the effects of age-related diseases is to address the damage created by the aging process itself. The late preclinical stage biotechnology company was recently named one of the 10 breakthrough technologies of 2020 in MIT Technology Review. Additionally, the company has also …

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Chemistry May Hold The Key To Better Health

Chemistry May Hold The Key To Better Health

Many people are not thrilled about the idea of living an extra 20 and having to deal with conditions such as arthritis, dementia, and heart problems. But these people aren’t taking into consideration what anti-aging and regenerative medicine research has to offer.  What if those extra years could be lived with much of the vigor …

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Fruit Flies Live Longer With Combination Treatment

Fruit Flies Live Longer With Combination Treatment

A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences from UCL and the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing suggests that a combination drug treatment may one day be helpful at preventing age related diseases in people. A combined drug cocktail of three drugs that are already being used as medical …

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New Cause Of Cell Aging Discovered

New Cause Of Cell Aging Discovered

Recent research from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry may be important to understandings of the aging process, findings may help to pave the way for better treatments and new drugs that could vastly improve human health in the golden years.  “To drink from the fountain of youth, …

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Mayo Clinic Showcases Anti-Aging Senolytics

Drug May Help Those With A Heart Condition Exercise Easier

Flushing harmful zombie senescent cells from the body that have become old, fatigued and have ceased to divide has become one of the more prominent proposals in the anti-aging sphere. The hypothesis has generated a stream of animal data to support the theory, and now the Mayo Clinic has results from a human study that …

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Anti-Aging Drugs Could Be On The Market In The Next 5 Years

Anti-Aging Drugs Could Be On The Market In The Next 5 Years

If clinical trials prove to be successful anti-aging drugs could be on the market within the next 5 years according to Dr. Doug Wilson who recently had an interview aired on TV via OneNewsNow in New Zealand. Rather than living forever, living healthier for longer is a more realistic anti-aging and longevity goal. In the …

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