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Some Approaches Are Better Than Others For Type 2 Diabetics Who Exercise

Artificial pancreas reduces disease management burden for people with diabetes

A study recently published in The Journal of Medicine provides a straightforward summary of the benefits of exercise in controlling blood glucose levels among those with type 2 diabetes, the analysis of the positive effects of exercise on blood sugar levels in those with type 2 diabetes shows that while all exercise helps, certain activities and …

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Highly Sensitive Biosensor May Transform Wearable Health Monitoring

Frequent Genetic Cause Of Late-Onset Ataxia

Wearable wireless biosensors are an integral part of digital healthcare and monitoring. Commonly used chipless resonant antenna-based biosensors are simple and affordable, but have limited applicability due to their low sensitivity. Now, researchers from Japan have developed a novel, wireless, parity–time symmetry-based bioresonator that can detect minute concentrations of tear glucose and blood lactate. This …

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The Importance of Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce

The Importance of Employee Communication and Mental Health

Diversity is a term that is commonly used in various industries, including healthcare. In the healthcare industry, diversity refers to the representation of different races, ethnicities, genders, ages, religions, and sexual orientations among healthcare workers. The importance of diversity in the healthcare industry cannot be overstated. A diverse healthcare workforce has numerous benefits, including improved …

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Verbal insults trigger a ‘mini slap to the face’, finds new research

Eyelid Trouble: Managing Blepharitis

Hearing insults is like receiving a “mini slap in the face”, regardless of the precise context the insult is made in. That is the conclusion of a new paper published in Frontiers in Communication.  The researchers used electroencephalography (EEG) and skin conductance recordings to compare the short-term impact of repeated verbal insults to that of …

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Humans May Have Evolved To Show Signs Of Stress To Evoke Support From Others

Women Need Hugs

Showing signs of stress could make us more likeable and prompt others to act more positively towards us, according to a new study by scientists at Nottingham Trent University and the University of Portsmouth. Showing signs of stress could make us more likeable and prompt others to act more positively towards us, according to a …

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Nightshade Sensitivity

Nightshade Sensitivity

Nightshades are a common food group that can carry numerous health benefits, but for those with sensitivities, they can also carry an unpleasant set of side effects ranging from digestive problems to inflammatory issues.  Nightshades include common veggies like peppers, white potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, goji berries, okra, chili pepper, paprika, cayenne pepper, red pepper flakes, …

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Salt Found To Cause Hypertension Via Deficiency of Anti-Aging Factor Klotho

Salt Found To Cause Hypertension Via Deficiency of Anti-Aging Factor Klotho

A report published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation has found for the first time a deficiency in Klothos, which is an anti-ageing factor produced in the kidneys, causing ageing associated hypertension through high salt intake. Ageing has been associated with a high prevalence of hypertension due to the increased susceptibility of blood pressure to …

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5 Proven Ways How CBD Oil Helps You Get Glowing Skin

3 Of The Quickest Ways To Get Glowing Skin Using CBD Seeds

CBD is the new wonder supplement in the health and wellness industry. It has gained a lot of popularity due to its immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and nootropic effects. Whether it be sleeping issues, anxiety problems, or treating your dog with CBD infused products, CBD can help to provide a natural solution to these issues for some. …

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