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Study reveals brain cells that sustain or suppress fearful memories

Study reveals brain cells that sustain or suppress fearful memories

Researchers identified clusters of brain cells that compete to promote either the persistence or disappearance of fearful memories. The findings could give insight into post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorders. Remembering a threat is key for survival. Fearful memories help people and animals respond to potential dangers. But having these memories fade when they’re …

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Keto Hair Loss

Experimental Drug Reverses Skin Damage And Hair Loss

Are you trying the popular fad keto diet and noticing your hair is falling out? It may be due to insufficient calories, rapid weight loss, and micronutrient shortfalls that are impacting your hair growth and health. You may have been aware of some of the downfalls to being on a keto diet such as fatigue, …

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The Milgram Electric Shock Experiment Revisited: Nothing Has Changed

Evening Stress

A landmark study conducted 50 years ago on human obedience has been replicated and showed little change in outcome, as published in the journal Social Psychological And Personality Science. Originally conducted by Stanley Milgram the experiment was designed to test how willing people were to deliver electric shocks to another person if they were encouraged …

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