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Nanotech Sensor Turns Molecular Fingerprints Into Barcodes

Nanotech Sensor Turns Molecular Fingerprints Into Barcodes

Capable of being integrated into a compact sensor chip the system can detect and analyze molecules without need for infrared spectrometer, using nanostructured metapixels to detect and translate molecule unique signatures into barcodes, opening new pathways to large scale image based detection of materials using machine learning technology, as published in Science. Benchmark for detecting …

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Tumor Heterogeneity

Tumor Heterogeneity

Tumor heterogeneity is a massive problem to overcome in efforts to improving cancer treatment. As cancer progresses tumors begin to consist of more diverse cells with a broader range of molecular signatures and wider range of variable sensitivity to treatment methods. Resistance to treatment in cancer evolution is caused by tumor heterogeneity, making gaining greater …

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