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Balloon Sinuplasty: Minimally Invasive Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

Balloon Sinuplasty: Minimally Invasive Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

Sinuses protect the underlying structures, keep the skull light, and manage throat and nose health. When these air cavities in the face and skull develop infection or inflammation, you suffer from breathing and sleeping problems. Various other debilitating symptoms can also accompany them. Generally, sinusitis can be of two types: acute and chronic. Acute conditions …

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Chronic Sinus Inflammation Appears To Alter Brain Activity

Parkinson’s Disease Odor Characterized

The millions of people who have chronic sinusitis deal not only with stuffy noses and headaches, they also commonly struggle to focus, and experience depression and other symptoms that implicate the brain’s involvement in their illness. New research links sinus inflammation with alterations in brain activity, specifically with the neural networks that modulate cognition, introspection …

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Combating Headaches Naturally


Headaches can be a real pain making work difficult and relaxing pretty much impossible, even little things becoming annoyances. Common headaches most of the time can be warded of with a few painkillers, but there are other solutions that can work for those that wish to do things using a more natural route. Human have …

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Chili Pepper Compound May Ease Sinus Symptoms

Pepper Compounds for Weight Management

Capsaicin, the compound present in chili peppers that lends the characteristic hot sensation, helps to ease nasal congestion, sinus pain, sinus pressure. Capsaicin, the compound present in chili peppers that lends the characteristic hot sensation, is approved for use as a topical pain reliever.  Jonathan Bernstein, from the University of Cincinnati (Ohio, USA), and colleagues …

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