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Natural Compound Promotes Healthy Aging

Natural Compound Promotes Healthy Aging

The seven human sirtuins (SIRT 1-7), or NAD-dependent deacetylases, have been strongly correlated with human longevity due to their connection with metabolic function, aging, and the development of age-related diseases. In recent years, the protein SIRT1 has received the most attention due to its influence on gene regulation, genomic stability, and energy metabolism, garnering interest …

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Supplementing For Mitochondrial Health And Longevity

Aspects Of Human Cell Aging Reversed By New Compounds

Anti-aging products and procedures have become a $250 billion dollar industry that will continue to grow as as everyone is looking for science backed ways to look younger and boost longevity. Most of the industry hides aging from the outside and doesn’t actually counter the aging process on cellular levels. However more and more scientists …

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Enzyme May Reverse Effects Of Vascular Aging

Supplement Showing Promise In CardioVascular Aging

During the aging process blood vessel density and blood flow decreases, making it harder for people to maintain muscle mass after reaching the 40s, and endurance in later years, even with exercise. Vascular decline is a major cause of age related diseases such as hypertension and frailty, little is known about underlying cause and how …

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Anti-Aging Approach Targets Cellular Enzyme


Australian researchers reveal that by targeting a single anti-aging enzyme, SIRT1, there exists the potential to prevent age-related diseases and extend lifespans. Submitting that: “A molecule that treats multiple age-related diseases would have a major impact on global health and economics,” David Sinclair, from the University of New South Wales (Australia), and colleagues have identified …

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