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Salty Snacks: Size Matters

Salty Snacks: Size Matters

In America, estimates are that nearly a quarter of daily caloric intake comes from snacks. A recent study published in Appetite from Penn State may have implications for helping people to better understand how their eating behavior impacts calories and sodium intake, finding that the size of an individual snack piece influences both how fast …

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Women Have More Guts Than Men, Literally

Good' Donor Bacteria Can Last Long Term in Stool Transplant Patients

As it turns out women have more guts than men, literally. A study published in the journal PeerJ has revealed that women have longer small intestines than men do, by around 30 cm, and researchers from North Carolina State University believe that this could help women to deal with stress better.  Women may be on …

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Finding The Sweet Spot In Sugar Reductions

Tumor Growth May Be Directly Fueled By High Fructose Corn Syrup

Putting less sugar in sodas and reducing the package size of sodas sold in supermarkets may help reduce our collective sugar intake and thus lower the associated health risks. Good news for consumers, but how does it affect manufacturers?  Research conducted in the US has shown that marketing diet or sugar-free varieties does not lead …

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Reducing Total Calories May Be More Effective For Weight Loss Than Intermittent Fasting

Larger Portion Servings In Restaurants Are A Global Issue

News Release Research Highlights: Eating less overall and fewer large meals may be a more effective weight management strategy than restricting meals to a narrow time window, such as intermittent fasting, according to a study that analyzed the electronic health records of about 550 adults who were followed for six years. The time interval from …

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Weight Lowering: Bigger Muscles In Half The Time?

How Arnold Became Arnold

Are you looking to bulk up a little but you are running low on time? According to recent research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology you may be able to get bigger muscles in half of the time, researchers suggest that weight lowering rather than lifting them is the key to boosting muscle …

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Insight into how congenital heart defects manifest


About one percent of the world population is born with a congenital heart defect, which affects about 40,000 U.S. births each year, but how these particular birth defects come about is largely unknown. In an effort to learn more about how the heart develops, researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) have …

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Stark Brain Structure Changes In Those With Anorexia Revealed In Large Study

Discovery raises possibility of new medication for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s

A major study, coordinated by neuroscientists at the University of Bath (UK) with international partners, has revealed key differences in brain structure between people with and without anorexia nervosa. Anorexia — which is a severe eating disorder and mental health condition — affects over a quarter of a million people aged 16 and over in …

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Brain Drain: One Alcoholic Drink A Day Linked With Reduced Brain Size

Alcohol Affects Oral Bacteria

The research, using a dataset of more than 36,000 adults, revealed that going from one to two drinks a day was associated with changes in the brain equivalent to aging two years. Heavier drinking was linked with an even greater toll. The science on heavy drinking and the brain is clear: The two don’t have …

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One Alcoholic Drink A Day Linked With Reduced Brain Size

One Alcoholic Drink A Day Linked With Reduced Brain Size

The research, using a dataset of more than 36,000 adults, revealed that going from one to two drinks a day was associated with changes in the brain equivalent to aging two years. Heavier drinking was linked with an even greater toll. The science on heavy drinking and the brain is clear: The two don’t have …

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Moderate daily caffeine intake during pregnancy may lead to smaller birth size


Pregnant women who consumed the caffeine equivalent of as little as half a cup of coffee a day on average had slightly smaller babies than pregnant women who did not consume caffeinated beverages, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The researchers found corresponding reductions in size and lean body …

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