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Spit Happens: The Surprising Importance of Saliva

Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis Via The Tongue

Do you have a favorite food that makes your mouth water? The liquid that fills your mouth is called saliva. This remarkable fluid helps you digest food and stay healthy. Saliva, or spit, has many important roles. It helps to moisten food, which affects its flavor and makes it easier to swallow. It contains proteins …

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Sjögren’s Syndrome and Androgen Deficiency

Sjögren’s Syndrome and Androgen Deficiency

Sjögren’s syndrome (pronounced “show-grins,” sometimes abbreviated SS) is an autoimmune disorder that predominantly affects women, particularly of perimenopausal age. Mayo Clinic explains that, in Sjögren’s syndrome, “mucous membranes and moisture-secreting glands of your eyes and mouth are usually affected first — resulting in decreased tears and saliva.” Some researchers believe that dysfunction in producing one …

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