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Wearable UV Exposure Device Is Smallest Yet

Sunscreen Made from DNA Improves with Prolonged Exposure

Northwestern University in conjunction with L’Oreal have developed the smallest wafer thin, feather light wearable sensor that can fit on a fingernail and accurately measure a person’s exposure to UV light from the sun. Northwestern University in conjunction with L’Oreal have developed the smallest wafer thin, feather light wearable sensor that can fit on a …

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Sunscreen Shields Cancer-Preventative Gene

Sunscreen Shields Cancer-Preventative Gene

Sunscreen not only provides protection against the damage that can lead to skin cancer, but it shields the p53 gene, a gene that works to prevent cancer. While it is generally accepted that sunscreen helps to minimize burning, whether sunscreen helps to prevent skin cancers has been the subject of some debate. Elke Hacker, from …

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Aspirin May Reduce Melanoma Risk

Aspirin May Reduce Melanoma Risk

Women who take aspirin are at a reduced risk of developing melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Previous studies have suggested that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, associate with decreased risk of gastric, colorectal, and breast cancers. Jean Tang, from Stanford University (California, USA), and colleagues studied the use of NSAIDs and …

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Omega-3s May Protect Against Skin Cancer

Omega-3s May Protect Against Skin Cancer

Dietary supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil may help to protect against skin cancer. Skin cancer is a major public health concern, and the majority of cases are caused by solar ultraviolet radiation exposure, which suppresses skin immunity. In that animal studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids exert a protective effect against photoimmunosuppression …

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First Evidence that Obesity Gene is Risk Factor for Melanoma


People with particular variations in a specific stretch of DNA within the FTO gene may be at greater risk of developing melanoma – the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Variations in a different part of the FTO gene, called intron 1, are already known to be the most important genetic risk factor for obesity …

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Green Tea Polyphenol Shrinks Skin Cancer Tumors


Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol found in green tea, could prove to be a valuable weapon in the fight against melanoma and other skin cancers. A polyphenol compound found in green tea has been shown to make cancerous tumors dramatically shrink and even vanish in a recent animal study. The compound, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), has …

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Climate Change May Prompt Rise in Skin Cancers


Link between climate change, ozone loss and possible increase in skin cancer incidence. For decades, scientists have known that the effects of global climate change could have a potentially devastating impact across the globe, but new data suggests that it may also detrimentally affect human health.  James G. Anderson, from Harvard University (Massachusetts, USA), and …

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Dramatic Rise in Skin Cancer


Among adults under the age of 40, skin cancer rates are rising. Despite the rates of some cancers on the decline, Mayo Clinic researchers report an alarming dramatic rise skin cancer, particularly among people under the age of 40. Jerry Brewer and colleagues analyzed data collected for the Rochester Epidemiology Project, looking at diagnoses of …

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Vitamin A May Reduce Skin Cancer Risk

Vitamin A May Reduce Skin Cancer Risk

Dietary supplementation with retinol may slash skin cancer risk by as much as 40%. Previous laboratory studies suggest that increased consumption of vitamin A and carotenoids exerts protective effects against melanoma.  Maryam Asgari, from Kaiser Permanente Northern California (California, USA), and colleagues collected data from 69,635 men and women who enrolled in the VITamins And …

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Possible Link Between Radon and Skin Cancer


European Centre for Environment & Human Health scientists suggest that a link may exist between radon exposure and non-melanoma skin cancer. Radon is a radioactive gas that emanates from rocks and soils and tends to concentrate in enclosed spaces, with soil gas infiltration recognized as the most important source of residential radon. Radon is a …

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