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Vitamin D Plus Calcium Reduces Skin Cancer Risk

Vitamin C Optimizes Exercise Benefits

Women who take supplements of vitamin D and calcium may be at a reduced risk of developing skin cancer. Recently, a number of studies have suggested a link between increased vitamin D levels and lower risks of certain cancers. As well, in that calcium plays a role in the body’s conversion of vitamin D to …

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Supplements as “Safest Way” to Boost Vitamin D Levels

Supplements as “Safest Way” to Boost Vitamin D Levels

A computer model suggests that dietary supplementation of Vitamin D3 is the “safest way” to acquire adequate Vitamin D levels. In that 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer annually, a new computer simulation model from researchers at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (New York, USA), and colleagues strongly supports Vitamin D3 dietary supplementation …

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Broccoli Extract May Shield Skin from UV Rays

Health Benefits of Broccoli Not Available from Supplements

Cancer-promoting effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation is counteracted by ingestion of broccoli sprout extract, in a lab animal model. Unprotected prolonged exposure to sunlight raises the risk of ultraviolet (UV) radiation to cause or accelerate skin aging as well as skin cancer. Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova, from Johns Hopkins University (Maryland, USA), and colleagues fed broccoli …

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Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers to Reach Epidemic Proportions


The incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer has steadily risen since the 1990s, making it the most common form of cancer, affecting more people than all other cancers combined.    The steady rise in the incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer sets the stage for an epidemic, as sunbathers of the Baby Boomer demographic, age. Howard W. …

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