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Unveiling the Truth: Are There Truly Any Antiaging Agents That Work?

Woman Trying Antiaging Agents That Work

The Science Behind Antiaging Agents and Their Effectiveness When it comes to antiaging agents that work, the science behind them is fascinating. There are countless products on the market claiming to reverse the clock, but not all of them are created equal. It’s essential to look for proven antiaging ingredients that have scientific backing. Effective …

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6 Ways To Enhance Your Beauty With CBD

Coming Clean: Why Now Is the Time to Switch to Clean Beauty and Non-Toxic Skincare

CBD for beauty and skincare products is becoming more popular as part of the beauty industry’s shift to including more natural ingredients into product formulations. Derived from cannabis plants, Cannabidiol or CBD oil is now being incorporated in almost everything — from food and drinks, supplements, vapes, to beauty routines. There is plenty of buzz …

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Anti-Aging Oils Worth Adding To Your Skin Care Routine

Anti-Aging Oils Worth Adding To Your Skin Care Routine

When it comes to wrinkle treatments it seems that is an endless supply of products to choose from ranging in creams, lightweight moisturizers, vitamin C serums, and acid based gels. But often these contain chemicals that some may want to avoid who would rather use a more natural approach. For those looking to use more …

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Holistic Anti-Aging Skin Care: What To Look For In A Product

Holistic Anti-Aging Skin Care: What To Look For In A Product

The natural and holistic beauty space has emerged and is becoming more common place, in fact the organic beauty market is projected to hit $54 billion by 2027. Due to an increased demand for more sustainable and organic products the landscape of even skin care and beauty products is changing.  More brands are beginning to …

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Skin Care Using Red Light Therapy

Skin Care Using Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy uses a low wavelength red light to help resolve skin issues such as scarring and signs of aging including age spots and wrinkles.  There are some studies to back up these claims, but it is not a miracle cure. Anyone considering using this therapy should also take other steps to promote skin …

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Common Chemicals Linked to Osteoarthritis


Two common perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) – present in products such as fabrics and personal care products – may raise the risk of osteoarthritis. Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) are used in more than 200 industrial processes and consumer products including certain stain- and water-resistant fabrics, grease-proof paper food containers, personal care products, and other items. As such, …

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