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Sleep Difficulties Signal Cardiometabolic Risk


Difficulty falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much, may associate with cardiovascular and metabolic problems. A number of previous studies have demonstrated associations between sleep duration and obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mortality. As well, separate research has suggested that sleep disorders increase the risk for cardiometabolic disease. Michael A. Grandner, from the University …

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Sleep Disorders Raise Risk of Death


Sleep apnea and excessive daytime sleepiness combine to cause an elevation in risk of death among older adults. The risk of death is more than two times higher in older adults who have sleep apnea and report struggling with excessive daytime sleepiness, report Nalaka S. Gooneratne, from the University of Pennsylvania Health System (Pennsylvania, USA), …

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Aerobic Exercise Combats Insomnia

Aerobic Exercise Combats Insomnia

Regular aerobic exercise is an effective method of treating insomnia, and improving vitality and mood, say researchers. Researchers at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine studied 17 sedentary adults, all of whom suffered from chronic insomnia, to asses the effect of regular moderate aerobic exercise on sleep. Participants assigned to the aerobic physical activity group …

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