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High Levels Of Oxygen Encourage The Brain To Remain In Deep Sleep

Not Getting Enough Z’s, Look At Your PDE

High levels of oxygen are conducive to slow wave sleep, which is the deepest phase of sleep supporting recovery and memory consolidation, as published in the Journal of Neurophysiology. Oxygen is vital to many organs and performance of physiological functions; the brain requires about 20% of the body’s oxygen supply which is met by the …

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Kick Starting A Slow Metabolism

Kick Starting A Slow Metabolism

We all know those people who have the superpower of being able to eat what seems like an infinite amount of food without gaining a single ounce of weight. For those of us that don’t have that wonderful ability, or those such as myself that gain weight instantly just by looking at something yummy and …

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Never Too Late to Start Exercising

Never Too Late to Start Exercising

Regular physical activity commencing in later life can still slow mental and physical declines. Numerous previous studies report that regular physical activity is associated with improved overall health, and mid-life exercise is a key anti-aging component. Mark Hamer. From the University College London (United Kingdom), and colleagues assessed data collected on 3454 healthy senior men …

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