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The Evolution and Impact of Mobile Health Apps on Personal Wellness

Developing AI To Detect Heart Disease

Mobile health applications have evolved as effective tools to improve and maintain personal well-being in the fast-paced digital world, where cell phones have become an essential part of our lives. These apps take advantage of smartphones’ capabilities to offer various health-related services, such as tailored diet regimens and activity tracking. This article examines the development …

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Putting your toddler in front of the TV? You might hurt their ability to process the world around them, new data suggests

Putting your toddler in front of the TV? You might hurt their ability to process the world around them, new data suggests

Babies and toddlers exposed to television or video viewing may be more likely to exhibit atypical sensory behaviors, such as being disengaged and disinterested in activities, seeking more intense stimulation in an environment, or being overwhelmed by sensations like loud sounds or bright lights, according to data from researchers at Drexel’s College of Medicine published …

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Scrolling Social Media May Be Ruining Your Fitness Progress

Scrolling Social Media May Be Ruining Your Fitness Progress

A randomized controlled trial published in PubMed suggests that scrolling social media before a workout may be detrimental to your progress, finding that the habit leads to a 29% decrease in workout performance due to mental fatigue.  This study investigated the possible effects of mental fatigue induced by smartphone social media use on volume load …

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‘Eye-Catching’ Smartphone App Could Make It Easy To Screen for Neurological Disease at Home

Developing AI To Detect Heart Disease

Researchers at the University of California San Diego have developed a smartphone app that could allow people to screen for Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD and other neurological diseases and disorders—by recording closeups of their eye. The app uses a near-infrared camera, which is built into newer smartphones for facial recognition, along with a regular selfie camera …

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Fewer smartphones, more well-being

Digital Addiction Is Similar To Substance Abuse

Our eyes are glued to the smartphone display for over three hours a day. How much digital detox is necessary to live a better life? The good news is that we don’t have to waive them completely. We blame smartphone use for a number of negative consequences, ranging from neck pain to addictive behavior. Privat-Dozentin …

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Smartphone App Developed That Calculates Genetic Risk For Heart Attack

Just Having Your Smartphone Within Reach Diminishes Brain Power

A Scripps Research team developed a smartphone app that can calculate users’ genetic risk for coronary artery disease (CAD) — and found that users at high risk sought out appropriate medication after using the app In the study, which appears in npj Digital Medicine in March 2022, the researchers detailed how their app called MyGeneRank …

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Modern Stress & Mobile Devices

Modern Stress & Mobile Devices

6 in 10 Millennials never get to relax because of constant urges to check the cell phone/mobile/smart handheld devices, even when there hasn’t been a notification alert of a new message to read. In modern day it appears as if most people have had their cell phones/mobile devices attached to their hands, they just don’t …

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Brain Cells Manipulated Using A Smartphone

Brain Cells Manipulated Using A Smartphone

As published in Nature Biomedical Engineering a device has been invented that can control neural circuits by using a tiny brain implant which can be managed by a smartphone, in a collaborative study from the Jeong group at KAIST, South Korea, and the Bruchas Lab in Seattle. According to the researchers this soft neural implant …

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W.H.O Takes A Hard Line On Kid Screen Time

W.H.O Takes A Hard Line On Kid Screen Time

Strict new guidelines on one of the most anxiety producing issues of modern day family life have been announced by The World Health Organization regarding how much time should be allowed for children to use or be distracted with screen time in their “To grow up healthy, children need to sit less and play more” …

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Blood Pressure App

Blood Pressure App

Michigan State University researchers have invented a proof of concept blood pressure app that can provide accurate readings using a smartphone with no special equipment, as published in Scientific Reports. By leveraging optical and force sensors already available in smartphones a practical tool has been developed to keeps tabs on blood pressure, such ubiquitous monitoring …

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