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Oral Health and Wellness: The Role of Oral Surgery in Dental Care

Oral Health and Wellness: The Role of Oral Surgery in Dental Care

Key Takeaways: Oral surgery is integral to maintaining optimal dental health. Procedures range from wisdom teeth removal to dental implants. Understanding different types of oral surgeries helps in preparing for them. Oral health directly impacts overall wellness. Oral surgery is vital in dental care, addressing issues like impacted teeth, jaw misalignment, and oral diseases. From …

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How Clear Aligners Work: 6 Facts To Help You Make Your Decision

How Clear Aligners Work: 6 Facts To Help You Make Your Decision

Are you thinking about getting the clear aligners to straighten your teeth? Great decision! There is no doubt that clear aligners, sometimes also known as smile aligners, have revolutionized orthodontics. Let’s explore more about clear aligners. They offer a discrete and simple alternative to traditional braces. They are no less than a boon because of …

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The Link between Oral Health and Overall Well-being: A Dental Perspective

Gum Disease Linked To Neuroinflammation

In the intricate web of human health, the connection between oral health and overall well-being is a topic that resonates profoundly within dentistry. Beyond the bright smile and healthy gums, oral health is pivotal in influencing our general health. This article delves into the interrelation between oral health and overall well-being, offering insights from a …

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A Symmetrical Smile Looks Most Beautiful And Boosts Confidence

'Grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face'

Your face can be the first thing people notice about you, but a radiant smile can overshadow everything else. After all, a well-maintained smile also speaks of your personality and individuality. You can demonstrate your vibrant smile to impress others when you have harmonious teeth. How do you achieve symmetry? Cosmetic dentistry has the appropriate …

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Face Yoga: Exercising Your Face, Yes It’s A Thing

Face Yoga: Exercising Your Face, Yes It’s A Thing

Globally people are looking for approaches to relieve stress and restlessness arising from daily life and uncertainties. While many look to self-care in the form of meditation or moving your body, at least one person is challenging people to try something new-ish: Face Yoga.  You can exercise your body, your chompers, and your mind, why …

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'Grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face'

'Grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face'

Fake it until you make it: A recent study from UniSA shows that you can put on a smile and feel happier.  Just like the famous lyrics suggest, if you put on a happy face you will feel a little brighter, according to a new study published in Nature Human Behaviour. Led by Stanford University, …

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Causes and Correction of UnderBite

Novel Sugar Detector System in the Human Mouth has Implications for Designing Tastier, Healthier Beverages and Foods

Your smile can have a major impact on your self-confidence when you have to present yourself in social situations. Being able to carry yourself well in public comes naturally when you can show off a bright smile which highlights your approachability. Misaligned teeth tend to snatch that opportunity. They are a cause of severe concern …

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What Dental Problems Can Be Solved With a Smile Makeover?

Gum Disease Tied to Yet Another Deadly Illness

Have you recently been bombarded with the term ‘smile makeover’ when you visit your dentist? Are you wondering what it means and what dental problems can it fix? Here’s everything you need to know about it. What Is a Smile Makeover? A smile makeover is a process of improving the appearance of your smile with …

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The World’s Oldest Man

The World’s Oldest Man

According to Guinness World Records a Japanese man with a sweet tooth who believes in the power of smiling has become the world’s oldest man alive, the longevity warrior is approaching his 113th birthday.  Chitetsu Watanabe is 112 years young, he was born in Niigata in northern Japan on March 5, 1907. He was recently …

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Sincere Smiling Promotes Longevity

Sincere Smiling Promotes Longevity

Study finds that genuine smilers live longer. Facial expressions are a barometer of the emotions , and like emotions, they vary in form and intensity. “Duchenne smilers”, who engage muscles both near the corners of the mouth and around the eyes, are known as genuine smilers.  Ernest L. Abel , from Wayne State University (Michigan, …

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