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5 Important Factors To Consider While Preparing GAMSAT

5 Important Factors To Consider While Preparing GAMSAT

The Postgraduate Medical School Admissions Assessment (GAMSAT) is a demanding test crafted to evaluate the aptitudes and proficiencies of potential medical school applicants. Readying for the GAMSAT demands meticulous organization, commitment, and a calculated method. To stand out in this fiercely contested examination, hopefuls should contemplate multiple pivotal elements that can profoundly affect their achievement. …

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7 Habits For A Healthy Sleep Cycle In A Busy Life

Regular Bedtimes Benefits Adults As Much As Kids

In today’s world, people have gotten so busy that getting a good sleep is almost impossible. Yet, it’s so much needed to stay active and productive. Here, forming a good sleeping habit will do the trick! A recent study was conducted on sleep deprivation; adults need about 9 hours to function perfectly. Even when people …

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Protecting Lone Workers in the Home Healthcare Industry

Protecting Lone Workers in the Home Healthcare Industry

Patients who cannot leave their homes due to chronic illness, disability, or age are provided medical care, emotional assistance, and companionship through in-home caregivers. However, even though these workers are caring for others they can be subject to safety and health risks because they work alone in strangers’ homes. Healthcare Industry Growth The past decade …

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How to Navigate the Challenges of Smoking Cessation

CBD shows promise for reducing cigarette smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States. Despite various government efforts to educate the public through anti-smoking campaigns, the CDC estimates that nearly 30 million Americans still smoke cigarettes. The main reason why so many smokers struggle to quit is due to their addiction to nicotine. Nicotine is …

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Fast-Track to Energy: Ways to Get Rid of Fatigue Quickly

Feeling Fatigued? Finding Possible Causes

We’ve all had those days when we feel less productive due to fatigue. Fatigue is a common issue affecting many people. According to research, fatigue is increasingly becoming prevalent, affecting up to 2.5% of the professionally active global population, mostly between 20 and 40 years. Fatigue is often triggered by a lack of physical exercise …

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Tips For Choose High-Quality Cannabis Products

Cannabis Can Alleviate Autism Symptoms

The cannabis market is rapidly expanding, the global market was valued at 43.72 billion USD in 2022, and Fortune Business Insights projects that it will grow to 57.18 billion in 2023 to reach 444.34 billion by 2030. Many countries are enacting cannabis-friendly legislation and policies decriminalizing its use, which explains the increasing polarity. While there …

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5 Ways To Help You Get Rid Of A Headache Quickly

Migraine Sufferers Are More Likely To Have A Stroke

When a headache strikes, it can feel like an uncontrollable force that derails your entire day. But it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right strategies in place, you can combat these unwelcome pains quickly and effectively. Imagine being able to continue with your day uninterrupted, free from the constant throbbing in your …

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The Importance of Self-Care for Your Health

Yoga May Help To Ease Anxiety And Improve Memory

In today’s busy world, becoming wrapped up in work, school, family commitments, and social obligations can be easy. While dedicating yourself to these duties is important for success and satisfaction in life, you must also make time for one of the most critical parts of your well-being: taking care of your health through self-care. While …

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Why Intermittent Fasting Is On the Rise

Why Intermittent Fasting Is On the Rise

Are you looking for a way to feel more energized and improve your overall health while still enjoying the foods you love? If so, you’ve surely heard about the latest promising popular diet called intermittent fasting. And you’re not alone – last year, Google searches related to “intermittent fasting” saw an astounding 636% increase! Indeed, …

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Effective Ways to Lose Weight According to Research

Losing weight in a healthy, effective way can often seem overwhelming. There are so many different diets and exercises and weight loss program reviews out there! It can be difficult to decide which methods will help you reach your goals and which ones will make you starved and frustrated. Losing weight can be challenging, but …

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