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High Blood Pressure Is A Silent Killer

High Blood Pressure Is A Silent Killer

High blood pressure is a silent killer. Unfortunately, nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. This translates to roughly 122 million people aged 20 years old and over having hypertension. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, and other health threats. Can …

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Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Your Eye Health

Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Your Eye Health

Diabetes is a chronic condition that can adversely affect the heart, nerves, and other vital components of the body. The complications associated with diabetes can be life-changing. Even your eyes aren’t safe if you have developed that aforementioned disease. Many people generally know that diabetes is bad for the eyes, but they may not fully …

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Global Life Expectancy May Increase By 2050

Global Life Expectancy May Increase By 2050

Global life expectancy forecasts have had varied results, some more doom and gloom while others are more optimistic. Keep in mind, that they are all just estimated predictions, and nothing is “set in stone”, the future is hard to determine for absolute certainty.  Any estimates/forecasts as grim or positive as they may be, are not …

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A Healthy Lifestyle May Offset Genetics Adding Years To Lifespan

A Senior's Guide to Managing Your Physical and Mental Health

Research published in the journal BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine suggests that genetics alone can mean a 21% greater risk of early death, but people can improve their chances by following a healthy diet which may offset the impact of genetics by more than 60% and add another five years to your lifespan. Unfortunately, some people don’t …

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Risk Factors For Faster Brain Aging

Lifestyle Factors May Be The Best Way To Reduce Risk Of Dementia

Recent research published in Nature Communications from the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Oxford has identified 15 modifiable risk factors for dementia, and of those diabetes, alcohol intake, and traffic-related air pollution are the most harmful.  Previous research from this group revealed an area of weakness in the brain of a …

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Debunking The Myth Of Smoking To Stay Thin

Debunking The Myth Of Smoking To Stay Thin

Smoking to stay thin is a common misconception. The irony of smoking to stay thin is that smoking causes harm to nearly every organ in the body and it actually increases belly fat. Additionally, smoking causes diabetes, stroke, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis among other health problems. Evidence also suggests that …

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Cancer deaths plummet in middle-aged people

Tumor Cells Killed By A Calcium Storm In Promising Research

Fewer middle-aged people are dying from cancer in the UK than at any point over the last 25 years, a new study from Cancer Research UK has revealed. *    Published in the British Medical Journal, this is the first major study to examine trends in cancer incidence and mortality amongst middle-aged adults (35-69 yrs.) in …

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A standard blood test can predict a heart attack

CEO Says COVID-19 Antibody Testing Is A Disaster

Using the results of a standard blood test and an online tool, you can find out if you are at increased risk of having a heart attack within six months. The tool has been developed by a research group at Uppsala University in the hope of increasing patients’ motivation to change their lifestyle. Heart attacks …

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Smoking causes brain shrinkage

Smoking causes brain shrinkage

Smoking shrinks the brain, according to a study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The good news is that quitting smoking prevents further loss of brain tissue — but still, stopping smoking doesn’t restore the brain to its original size. Since people’s brains naturally lose volume with age, smoking effectively …

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Preparing For Cold And Flu Season

How to Build a Stronger Immune System with Nutrition

It’s that time of year again when you hear coughs and sneezes and find yourself wondering if that person is suffering from more than just allergies or if they might have a seasonal cold or flu bug. Yes, it is true, despite what some people would have you believe, not everything is the COVID-ick. Common …

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