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Quick And Easy Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Quick And Easy Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Inflammation can be a good thing as an essential part of the body’s healing process, but it can also be a bad thing, especially when in excess. Not only does inflammation contribute to pain, swelling, and other problems it is also at the root of most modern diseases that can eventually lead to death, it …

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The Power of Superfoods: Boosting Longevity and Nutrition

Are Ultra-Processed Foods Harmful? Experts Weigh The Evidence

If you want to improve your health, superfoods may fascinate you. Nutritionists associate these foods with exceptional qualities like aiding weight loss or healing illnesses. Also, superfoods are nutrient-rich, prevent diseases, boost longevity, and offer multiple health benefits beyond their nutritional value. Remember that maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves consuming a nourishing diet abundant in …

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Meal Replacement Shakes vs. Protein Shakes – What’s the Difference?

On Your Way to Whey Power

With so many different kinds of nutritional drinks, protein shakes, and meal replacement smoothies in the market, anyone can get confused. So, it is okay if you are wondering about meal replacement vs. protein shakes and which is suitable for you. By the end of this article, you will be able to differentiate between the …

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Anti-oxidants And Why They’re So Important

Antioxidant Making Old Blood Vessels Like New Again

The following article was written by Christine Bishara, MD who is the A4M member of the month, she practices preventive and personalized patient care, and believes in a proactive approach to healthcare. Dr. Bishara’s expertise is in integrative medical weight loss and gut health.  It is April 2, 2020  and if you had told me …

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Are There Benefits To The Celery Juice Trend?

Are There Benefits To The Celery Juice Trend?

At one point talk of celery juice was all the rage, bombarding news feeds with promises of more energy, weight loss, improved digestion, restoring nervous system function, helping to kill off pathogens, helping to alleviate mental conditions, and detoxification.  In a short period of time social media was blasted with numerous posts tooting horns to …

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Inflammation Fighting Smoothie

Inflammation Fighting Smoothie

Not only does inflammation contribute to pain, swelling, and other problems it is at the root of most modern diseases that can eventually lead to death, it is a silent killer. Inflammation has been shown to be responsible for 7 out of 10 deaths in America. But it doesn’t have to end this way, you …

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Maximizing Lutein Antioxidant Derived From Spinach

Maximizing Lutein Antioxidant Derived From Spinach

To get the most of your spinach consider using it in the form of a smoothie or juice, as new research suggests that this is the best way to obtain the antioxidant lutein, as published in the journal Food Chemistry. Dark green vegetables contain high levels of lutein, spinach was chosen as it contains comparatively …

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