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Emotional eating: Children as young as four eat more when bored

Emotional eating: Children as young as four eat more when bored

A new study carried out at Aston University found that children as young as four eat 79% more calories on average when they are bored Children with more emotional temperaments whose parents used food to soothe them ate five times more calories when bored It is the first study to link children’s emotions and parental …

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Intermittent Fasting

Fasting May Help To Improve Overall Health

Intermittent fasting is becoming an increasingly popular eating schedule, but this eating plan is certainly not new, it can be traced back to many ancient religious and cultural practices. This is not starving yourself or depriving the body of food, rather focusing on when you eat food; and diverges from other types of diets which …

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Binge Eating At Night

Binge Eating At Night

A common frustration shared by many on the journey to better health and weight loss goals in regards to diet and nutrition is that they have fine eat habits all day long but for some reason at night their brains check out and they eat everything in sight. Just where all that will power goes …

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