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Secrets of Brain Health

Secrets of Brain Health

Swedish researchers submit that social, mental, and physical engagement help to preserve cognitive performance in aging. Is brain aging avoidable?  Lars Nyberg, from Umea University (Sweden), and colleagues report that it is what you do in old age that matters more when it comes to maintaining a youthful brain, not what you did earlier in …

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Friendship May Help Curb Obesity in Children


State University of New York/Buffalo (US) researchers propose that friends may influence how much food adolescents eat. In an effort to elucidate the interrelationship between food and social activity in overweight and non-overweight children, Sarah-Jeanne Salvy, from  State University of New York/Buffalo (USA), and colleagues assessed 54 overweight and non-overweight youths, ages 9 to 11 …

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