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Americans Are Not Staying Hydrated

Is Carbonated Sparkling Water Good Or Bad?

The average American falls significantly short of reaching the recommended water drinking levels, according to a recent random double opt-in survey commissioned by MyMuse and conducted by OnePoll involving 2,000 general population Americans, statistically speaking this nation is dehydrated.  The average respondent reported drinking five glasses of water every day, which is three short of …

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One Daily Soda Significantly Increases Risk Of Cancer And Liver Disease In Women

One Daily Soda Significantly Increases Risk Of Cancer And Liver Disease In Women

According to a study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital that is published in the journal JAMA Network Open, women who drink just one soda/pop per day are significantly increasing their risk of developing liver cancer or dying from chronic liver disease.  Chronic liver disease is a major cause of global mortality, in America alone the …

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Soda Linked To Obesity Among Teenagers In Over 100 Countries

Sugary Drink Consumption May Be Linked To Increased Risk Of Cancer

A recent study suggests that there is a strong link between soda and obesity around the world. The findings of this study indicated this connection between the risk of weight gain in adolescents and consistently drinking carbonated beverages in research conducted across 107 nations, revealing that every 10% increase in daily soft drink/pop consumption is …

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Elevated Levels Of Toxic Metals Found In Common Beverages

Sugary Drinks Could Break Your Heart

According to a study published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, you may be getting more than you bargained for in some common beverages such as mixed fruit juices, plant-based kinds of milk, and soft drinks, alarmingly the findings revealed levels of toxic metals exceeding federal drinking water standards.  For this study, 60 …

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Finding The Sweet Spot In Sugar Reductions

Tumor Growth May Be Directly Fueled By High Fructose Corn Syrup

Putting less sugar in sodas and reducing the package size of sodas sold in supermarkets may help reduce our collective sugar intake and thus lower the associated health risks. Good news for consumers, but how does it affect manufacturers?  Research conducted in the US has shown that marketing diet or sugar-free varieties does not lead …

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More Evidence That Sugary Drinks Cause Weight Gain

Sugary Drinks Could Break Your Heart

A review of dozens of studies from the last decade, led by researchers at the University of Toronto and Harvard University, recently found that sugar-sweetened beverages promote weight gain in children and adults. The review, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, is the largest and most thorough analysis to date of research on …

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Having A Sedentary Lifestyle With A Sugary Diet May Be More Detrimental To Men

Having A Sedentary Lifestyle With A Sugary Diet May Be More Detrimental To Men

A study recently published in Endocrinology conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri School of Medicine has revealed that short-term lifestyle changes can disrupt blood vessels’ responses to insulin. This study is believed to be the first to provide human evidence, as well as the first to show that men and women react differently …

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'Gateway' Foods Like Candy, Pastries And Frozen Treats May Lead To Unhealthy Teen Eating

“Ultra-processed foods are designed to be hyper-palatable, or engineered to be as addictive as possible,” said Maria Balhara News Release Highlights: A study of adolescent eating habits found that certain ultra-processed foods, such as candy, prepackaged pastries and frozen desserts, may act as a “gateway” and lead to increased intake of other unhealthy foods. 43% …

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Environmental impacts of 57,000 common store-bought food products

Majority Of Packaged Foods In America Are Ultra Processed

An international team of scientists has evaluated the environmental impacts of more than 57,000 food products — the stuff you typically find as you wander the aisles of your local grocery. If this type of information is made easily available to the public, they say, it could not only enable the transition to a more …

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These Tips and Tricks Could Help Promote a Peaceful Sleep

These Tips and Tricks Could Help Promote a Peaceful Sleep

Who does not want to live a stress-free peaceful life? You can enjoy your life better when you have a night of sound sleep. It is hard to get enough sleep in the modern day due to the hectic lifestyles we are leading, leaving us with less than ideal time to have a relaxing sleep.  …

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