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A Simple Checklist To Avoid Heart Disease: Prevent Not Stent

Heart Attacks Before 50: How To Predict And Prevent Premature Aging

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Despite the pandemic, heart disease accounts for more deaths than any other class of ailment …

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Diet soda may prompt food cravings, especially in women and people with obesity

Sugary Drinks Could Break Your Heart

The “diet” in diet drinks may be a false promise for some soda lovers. True, they deliver the fizz and taste of a soda experience, without the calories. Yet, new research shows they also can leave people with increased food cravings. A study published recently in JAMA Network Open adds to the evidence that drinks …

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New Sugary Drink Tax Proposed To Address ‘Health Inequities’


Lawmakers in the nation’s capital are proposing enacting a new tax on sugary drinks, hoping that forcing consumers to pay more for products they want will deter them from consuming sugary beverages. What are the details? Brianne Nadeau, a member of the Washington, D.C., city council, introduced a measure Tuesday that would enact an excise …

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Dumping Diet Drinks May Decrease Risk Of Heart Disease

Sugary Drink Consumption May Be Linked To Increased Risk Of Cancer

It is no secret that the soda industry has long been recognized as a major contributor to the global obesity epidemic. In an attempt to change the narrative Big Soda is spending big cash to push diet drinks. However, according to research artificial sweeteners are not the health boon alternative that the industry is hoping …

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All Soda Linked To Premature Death

Sugary Drink Consumption May Be Linked To Increased Risk Of Cancer

Diet or not, regular consumption of soft drinks, whether they are regular or diet, have been associated with a greater risk of death from all causes in a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. 451,743 participants from 10 European countries having a mean age of 50.8 with no history of diabetes, stroke, cancer or heart …

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The Heart Is Not Sweet On Bitter Consequences Of Sugary Drinks

The Heart Is Not Sweet On Bitter Consequences Of Sugary Drinks

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health research suggest the more sugar sweetened beverages people drink as adults the greater the risk of death, especially from cardiovascular disease and to a lesser extent cancer, as published in Circulation. Findings stem from analysis of 2 large prospective cohorts of adults which indicates the link between sugar …

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Diet Drinks May Be Associated With Strokes Among Older Women

More Bad News For Artificial Sweetener Fans

An observational study women who had reported drinking more than one diet soda or other kind of artificially sweetened drink were found to have a higher risk of strokes caused by a blood clot; this association was even stronger in obese women and in African-American women, as published in Stroke. The association between drinking artificially …

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Salad Or Soda: Mapping Social Determinant of Seattle

School Based Nutrition Programs Help To Reduce Obesity

Geographic disparities between soda drinkers and salad eaters are driven by house prices: the lowest property values were associated with less salad and more soda with the opposite being true of higher property values, after adjusting for demographics, according to a new paper published in the journal Social Science and Medicine–Population Health. New research on …

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High Sweetened Beverage Intake Associated With Risk Of Kidney Disease

Sugar Tax Impact In Chile

Higher intake of sugar sweetened beverages has been associated with increased risk for kidney disease, as published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, contributing to the growing body of evidence pointing to the negative health consequences of consuming sugar sweetened beverages. Kidney health may be affected by certain beverages, but thus …

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Soda Raises Diabetes Risk

Soda Raises Diabetes Risk

A can of soda a day may markedly increase a person’s risk of type-2 diabetes. With data collected on US subjects suggesting a link between sugary drink consumption and type-2 diabetes, The InterAct consortium reports similar findings among the European population.  Dora Romaguera-Bosch, from Imperial College London (United Kingdom), and colleagues at the InterAct consortium, …

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