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Sweetened Beverages Linked to Depression


Older adults who drink sweetened beverages, and artificially sweetened diet drinks in particular, are at increased risk for depression. Sweetened drinks – and ones enhanced with artificial sweetener product – are popular worldwide, but growing interest focuses on the potential health consequences of this consumption.   Honglei Chen, from the National Institutes of Health (North Carolina, …

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Soda May Raise Stroke Risk

Banish Sugary Beverages to Achieve Weight Management Goals

A greater consumption of sugar-sweetened and low-calorie sodas associates with a higher risk of stroke. Previously, a number of studies suggest that the consumption of sugar-sweetened soda associates with an increased risk of cardiometabolic disease.  Adam M Bernstein, from the Cleveland Clinic (Ohio, USA), and colleagues analyzed soda consumption among 43,371 men who participated in …

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Not-So-Sweet Side of Sugary Beverages

Not-So-Sweet Side of Sugary Beverages

Large-scale study warns that men who drink a 12-ounce sugar-sweetened beverage a day put themselves at 20% increased risk of heart disease. In that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and among many developed nations worldwide, a number of researchers have investigated the role of diet as a contributing …

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Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Linked to High Blood Pressure


Soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages such as fruit drinks associate with higher blood pressure levels in adults. In that the rising rates of overweight/obesity has focused attention on a potential causal influence of sugars and sugar-sweetened beverages, International Study of Macro/Micronutrients and Blood Pressure (INTERMAP) researchers  analyzed consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks, sugars and diet beverages …

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Drinking Soda May Accelerate Aging

Drinking Soda May Accelerate Aging

High levels of phosphate in sodas and processed foods have been shown to accelerate the aging process in mice and contribute to age-associated complications such as chronic kidney disease. New research suggests that drinking sodas and eating processed foods, both of which contain high levels of phosphates may accelerate the aging process. M. Shawkat Razzaque, …

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Cola Drinks Linked to Poor Fertility


Danish study finds that men who consume an average of 1 liter of caffeinated soda drinks daily have low fertility. Surveying 2,554 young Danish men at the time they were screened for military service enrollment, Tina Kold Jensen, from University Department of Growth and Reproduction at Rigshospitalet (Copenhagen, Denmark), and colleagues examined the association between …

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Soft Drinks May Increase Risk of Pancreatic Cancer


People who consume two or more soft drinks per week may double their risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer is rare but deadly, with an estimated 5% of people who are diagnosed with it surviving five years or more.  Mark A. Pereira, from University of Minnesota (Minnesota, USA), and colleagues studied the effects of …

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