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Can hearing loss be reversed? Research reveals clues that could regrow the cells that help us hear

Can hearing loss be reversed? Research reveals clues that could regrow the cells that help us hear

Taking a bite of an apple is considered a healthy choice. But have you ever thought about putting in earplugs before your favorite band takes the stage? Just like your future body will thank you for the apple, your future ears (specifically your cochlear hair cells) will thank you for protecting them. The most common …

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Using Sound Waves To Break Up Kidney Stones – First Human Study Shows Promising Results

Using Sound Waves To Break Up Kidney Stones – First Human Study Shows Promising Results

An innovative technique called burst wave lithotripsy (BWL) may provide an effective, more accessible alternative for the non-invasive treatment of kidney stones, according to initial human studies reported in The Journal of Urology®, an Official Journal of the American Urological Association (AUA). The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer. Using focused …

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Sonic advance: How sound waves could help regrow bones

Sonic advance: How sound waves could help regrow bones

Image: A magnified image showing adult stem cells in the process of turning into bone cells after treatment with high-frequency sound waves. The green coloring shows the presence of collagen, which the cells produce as they become bone cells. Magnification: 60X Credit: RMIT Researchers have used sound waves to turn stem cells into bone cells, …

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