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Safeguard Your Hearing

Can You Hear It?

October is national protect your hearing month. It’s a noisy planet, safeguard yourself and your loved ones from induced hearing loss. Sounds can harm your hearing when they are too loud and last too long. The louder the sound, the quicker it can damage your hearing. For example, everyday sounds such as emergency sirens range …

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Noise Complaints: Taking On Tinnitus

Noise Complaints: Taking On Tinnitus

Do you hear sounds that no one else can hear? It might be a ringing. A clicking. Or maybe a buzzing, hissing, or humming. Hearing such noises can be disconcerting—especially if they don’t go away. Some people hear these noises for a few hours. Others may hear them for a lifetime. This condition is called …

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Enhancing deep sleep

Enhancing deep sleep

Image: The SleepLoop system developed by ETH researchers emits a sound at the right time to amplify the slow brain waves. Photograph Credit: SleepLoop ETH Zurich Researchers have developed a wearable device that plays specific sounds to enhance deep sleep. The first clinical study has now shown that the device is effective, but not at …

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