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Yellow & Green Can Often Be Seen

Yellow & Green Can Often Be Seen

Lemons and limes are frequently used to make a variety of citrus goodies varying from drinks to sweets, they also share similar nutrition profiles and benefits to health but they do have differences. Both fruits are full of citric acid, while they have similar citric acid content lemons on average contain a little more: lemon …

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Food Ingredients Affect Taste Perception

Taste Dulled By Obesity

Food ingredients affect taste perception such as pungent compound 6-gingerol stimulates enzymes contained in saliva that break down foul smelling substances in the mouth ensuring fresh breath and better aftertastes, and citric acid increases sodium ion content of saliva making salty foods seem to taste less salty. Many components in the food we eat can …

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New Discovery Of How Sour Taste Links To Sense Of Balance

New Discovery Of How Sour Taste Links To Sense Of Balance

  An entirely new class of ion channels had been discovered by scientists at the University of Southern California. There channels let protons into cells and are important to inner ear balance, and can be found in taste cells at the back of the tongue that respond to sour flavors, as published in Science.   …

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