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Refrigerate lettuce to reduce risk of E. coli contamination, researchers say

Microgreens and mature veggies differ in nutrients, but both might limit weight gain

Leafy green vegetables are important sources of dietary fiber and nutrients, but they can harbor harmful pathogens. In particular, lettuce has often been involved in outbreaks of foodborne illness across the U.S. A new study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign examines factors that affect E. coli contamination on five different leafy greens – romaine …

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Heavy metals in our food are most dangerous for kids

The Path From Pollutants In Food To A Heightened Allergic Response

The problem of foodborne metal contamination has taken on new urgency, thanks in part to a 2021 US Congressional Report detailing high levels of metals found in infant food pulled off grocery shelves.?(More recently, high levels of lead were discovered in children’s fruit puree pouches.) Now, two new studies provide information on the correlation between …

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Antioxidant Making Old Blood Vessels Like New Again

People with higher levels of antioxidants in their blood may be less likely to develop dementia, according to a study published in the May 4, 2022, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study found that people with the highest levels of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin and …

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A preliminary study finds organic vegetables contaminated with a wide range of disease-causing microbes

According to a press release from the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2022, Lisbon, 23-26 April) a preliminary study has found that organic vegetables are often contaminated with a wide range of disease-causing microbes.  Disease-causing amoebas that live on organic spinach and lettuce also shelter human pathogens like Pseudomonas, Salmonella, and …

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Maximizing Lutein Antioxidant Derived From Spinach

Maximizing Lutein Antioxidant Derived From Spinach

To get the most of your spinach consider using it in the form of a smoothie or juice, as new research suggests that this is the best way to obtain the antioxidant lutein, as published in the journal Food Chemistry. Dark green vegetables contain high levels of lutein, spinach was chosen as it contains comparatively …

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Veggies Can Help To Stay Fit And Fight Disease

Pesticide Dirty Dozen And Clean Fifteen

It is fairly common knowledge that eating fruits and vegetables is good for you, but most people don’t know which ones are best. While not all vegetables provide the same nutrients, and there isn’t a single vegetable that will provide all the nutrients needs, not all vegetables are created equally and some are better than …

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Spinach Compounds Slash Food Cravings

Spinach Compounds Slash Food Cravings

Thylakoids may help to decrease feelings of hunger. Chlorophyll-containing membranes present in the chloroplasts of green leaves, thylakoid are found abundantly in spinach. Previous studies have reported that thylakoids supplemented with a high-fat meal can affect cholecystokinin (CCK), ghrelin, insulin and blood lipids in humans. Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson, from Lund University (Sweden), and colleagues enrolled 15 …

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