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Sports: Staying Active And Have Fun As We Age

Sports: Staying Active And Have Fun As We Age

Throughout our lives, we are encouraged to stay active and have fun, this is where sports can come in and accomplish both in one task. Sports are fun to play at any age, and there are a variety of sports appropriate for a range of physical levels. It is important to stay physically active and …

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Quick And Easy Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Quick And Easy Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Inflammation can be a good thing as an essential part of the body’s healing process, but it can also be a bad thing, especially when in excess. Not only does inflammation contribute to pain, swelling, and other problems it is also at the root of most modern diseases that can eventually lead to death, it …

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Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll

Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll

It can be hard to get people motivated to exercise, but that becomes much easier when you encourage people to do an activity that is interesting and fun. Rollerskating provides an opportunity for people of all ages and skill levels to exercise while having fun, listening to music, and socializing with friends and/or family on …

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Effective Ways To Drop Unwanted Pounds

Studies Suggest To Get Active If You Want To Live Longer

At one point or another, all of us have tried to lose some weight, with varying success. Success depends on a variety of reasons, such as some methods being more effective for some than others, motivation, effort put in, and some methods being better suited to certain skill levels. Most often people get derailed when …

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The Pandemic Has Made Many Seniors Less Active

Longevity Gene Protein May Offer Extended Healthier Lives

In normal times, Cindy Myers, an executive at a nonprofit organization, is “not a real physical person,” she said. “I work at desk jobs. I’m not a big exerciser.” Still, before the pandemic, Dr. Myers, who is 64 and has a doctorate in organization development, commuted from her home in Petaluma, Calif., to an office …

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Inflammation Fighting Smoothie

Inflammation Fighting Smoothie

Not only does inflammation contribute to pain, swelling, and other problems it is at the root of most modern diseases that can eventually lead to death, it is a silent killer. Inflammation has been shown to be responsible for 7 out of 10 deaths in America. But it doesn’t have to end this way, you …

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Water Aerobics

Water Aerobics

Water aerobics are exercises which are typically performed in shallow water such as a pool. There are many benefits to adding water aerobics to exercise regimens to improve overall health. Water supplies additional resistance to oppose body movements in a non-impactful manner to exercise your muscles. Water aerobics can be done alone, but there are …

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Plums Could Help Make Dramatic Changes To Health

Plums Could Help Make Dramatic Changes To Health

Umeboshi or Japanese salt plum is a natural immune system booster, consuming 2 per week could result in significant changes to health. Samurai used the fruit to increase stamina, prevent fatigue, and to support healing. The secret to these plums is the pickling process it goes through, being pickled in barrels with salt and shiso …

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Marijuana May Help HIV Patients Keep Mental Stamina

Marijuana May Help Ease Nerve Pain, Review Finds

Michigan State University researchers have found that a chemical found in marijuana know as tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly called THC, has the potential to slow the process of which HIV patients experience mental decline by up to 50%. The findings of this study have been published in the journal AIDS.   Cognitive functions are believed to decrease …

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