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Sexually Transmitted Infections Reaching Record Highs Sweeping Across Nation

Sexually Transmitted Infections Reaching Record Highs Sweeping Across Nation

The out-of-control sexually transmitted diseases/infections (STD/STI) epidemic continues to put lives at risk, new CDC data highlights the urgent need for funds to curb the rapidly increasing public health crisis. The new data shows that chlamydia and syphilis numbers have reached record highs, and that the nation is struggling to gain control of the epidemics …

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New Orleans May Have The Highest Prevalence Of Genital Herpes In America

Sexually Transmitted Infections Are On The Rise, which has provided fast, private, and affordable STD tests to more than 2 million people since 2010, today announced that New Orleans is the U.S. city with the highest prevalence of genital herpes.  Through partnerships with various nonprofits and educational institutes, tested over 130,000 people for genital herpes last year. Data shows New …

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State STD Rates For 2019

Sexually Transmitted Infections Are On The Rise

In America sexually transmitted diseases have reached an all time high, with over 2.5 million new cases according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention federal agency.  With advances in medicine and treatments available that have helped to lengthen the lifespans of those who are HIV positive we are hearing less about STDs in …

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Rapid Point-of-Care Test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

Rapid Point-of-Care Test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

The FDA granted 510(k) clearance to binx io for a women’s health molecular rapid point of care diagnostic testing platform for detecting chlamydia and gonorrhea in about a half hour in August 2019.  Image courtesy of binx at The technology platform is a rapid and fully automated test that requires no calibration, no maintenance, and …

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One Million Cases Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Diagnosed Daily

STDs Continue To Increase In America To A Record High

More than one million cases of sexually transmitted infections are contracted every day around the globe warns W.H.O, this includes but is not limited to chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and syphilis infections. “On average, approximately one in 25 people globally have at least one of these STIs,” the WHO report stated. The World Health Organization based …

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Pee After Play: The Case For Urination After Sex

Are There Alternatives To Viagra?

Being informed has become easier than ever thanks to advances in modern technology. However, being informed doesn’t always mean the information has been correct. This may be the case when it comes to sex as made apparent by the continued increasing rate of STDs.  Let’s get a few things settled right out of the gate, …

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The Brain Is The Body’s Most Important Sex Organ

The Brain Is The Body’s Most Important Sex Organ

The well known phrase of “the brain is the body’s most important sex organ” speaks the truth as functional sex organs, appropriate hormone levels, and having the ability to become sexually aroused don’t guarantee good sex as other factors like the brain can get in the way.  Relationship issues, tension, and emotional distance can undermine …

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STDs Continue To Increase In America To A Record High

STDs Continue To Increase In America To A Record High

In 2018 there were more than 2.4 million reported cases of syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea in America, and that is just the reported cases, many more cases go undiagnosed.  According to a report from the US CDC cases of the three common sexually transmitted diseases reached a new record level in 2018 within America; cases …

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STDs: An Alarming Lack Of Knowledge

STDs: An Alarming Lack Of Knowledge

One third of Americans think that they can contract an STD from sitting on a public toilet, according to a new study commissioned by LetsGetChecked for Sexual Health Awareness Month that has pointed out the alarming lack of knowledge when it comes to STDs. Sexually transmitted diseases are not a popular topic, but perhaps if …

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Resistant Strain Of Gonorrhea

Resistant Strain Of Gonorrhea

Unfortunately for a man in the UK he has displayed a uniquely resistant case of gonorrhea that was so dramatically resistant to treatment it chilled his physicians as not only is it not wise to be untreated, but this case is a harbinger of a looming crisis. Gonorrheas is an infection which is caused by …

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