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UV LEDs Shown To Kill Coronavirus

Will Far-UVC Light Be Able To Come To The Rescue?

Researchers from Tel Aviv University have discovered that ultraviolet light kills 99.9% of the COVID-19 virus within 30 seconds. “We discovered that it is quite simple to kill the coronavirus using LED bulbs that radiate ultraviolet light,” said Prof. Hadas Mamane, head of the Environmental Engineering Program at Tel Aviv University’s School of Mechanical Engineering, …

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Will Far-UVC Light Be Able To Come To The Rescue?

Will Far-UVC Light Be Able To Come To The Rescue?

A team of researchers from Columbia University may have discovered a way to stop the spread of illness in crowded areas by using a particular type of ultraviolet light that kills various forms of coronavirus that is safe to use around humans.  According to the study Far-UVC light can destroy airborne droplets that are carrying …

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