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Deep Brain Stimulation Shows Benefit For Stroke Survivors

Deep Brain Stimulation Shows Benefit For Stroke Survivors

Researchers at Cleveland Clinic report in Nature Medicine that using deep brain stimulation (DBS) for post-stroke rehabilitation of patients targeting the dentate nucleus is safe and feasible. The dentate nucleus is a region in the brain that regulates fine control of voluntary movements, cognition, language, and sensory functions.  Stroke is a leading cause of long-term …

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Digital Puzzle Games May Be Good For Memory

Engagement In The Arts May Extend Longevity

Older adults aged 60+ who play digital puzzle games had the same memory abilities as those in their 20s, according to a new study from the University of York that was published in the journal ScienceDirect Heliyon. The older adults also had a greater ability to ignore irrelevant distractions, however, older adults who played strategy …

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Study shows promising treatment for tinnitus

Can hearing loss be reversed? Research reveals clues that could regrow the cells that help us hear

Tinnitus, the ringing, buzzing or hissing sound of silence, varies from slightly annoying in some to utterly debilitating in others. Up to 15% of adults in the United States have tinnitus, where nearly 40% of sufferers have the condition chronically and actively seek relief. A recent study from researchers at the University of Michigan’s Kresge …

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Brain Stimulation: Turbo Charging Memory While You Sleep


Our brains work to consolidate and strengthen our memories while we sleep, but the process of how that happens is still a topic of debate. In collaboration, researchers from Tel Aviv University and UCLA Health report discovering what may be the first physiological evidence from inside a human brain supporting a dominant theory as to …

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Researchers treat depression by reversing brain signals traveling the wrong way

Magnetic Stimulation Of The Brain May Prevent Age Related Memory Decline

A new study led by Stanford Medicine researchers is the first to reveal how magnetic stimulation treats severe depression: by correcting the abnormal flow of brain signals. Powerful magnetic pulses applied to the scalp to stimulate the brain can bring fast relief to many severely depressed patients for whom standard treatments have failed. Yet it’s …

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Brain stimulation can affect memory in older adults

Brain stimulation can affect memory in older adults

Image: A researcher administers transcranial stimulation treatment to a patient via a skull cap studded with electrodes. Credit: Robert Reinhart Research Matters Highlights:  A noninvasive method that stimulates specific brain regions led to month-long memory improvements in older adults. The approach suggests the potential of using a noninvasive, drug-free treatment to reverse or prevent memory …

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Deep Brain Stimulation Shows Promise Against Binge Eating Disorder

Dasotraline May Help To Improve Binge-Eating Disorder

A small device that detects food craving-related brain activity in a key brain region, and responds by electrically stimulating that region, has shown promise in a pilot clinical trial in two patients with loss-of-control binge eating disorder (BED), according to researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. The trial, described …

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Deep nerve stimulation consistently reduces blood pressure

Deep nerve stimulation consistently reduces blood pressure

A University of Houston biomedical engineer is expanding the study of wireless electrodes to treat hypertension and is reporting that blood pressure and renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) is controlled by bioelectronic treatment. RSNA is often increased in hypertension and renal disease.  Using a custom-wired electrode, Mario Romero-Ortega, Cullen Endowed Professor of biomedical engineering, previously …

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Enhancing deep sleep

Enhancing deep sleep

Image: The SleepLoop system developed by ETH researchers emits a sound at the right time to amplify the slow brain waves. Photograph Credit: SleepLoop ETH Zurich Researchers have developed a wearable device that plays specific sounds to enhance deep sleep. The first clinical study has now shown that the device is effective, but not at …

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New Implant Offers Promise For The Paralyzed

New Implant Offers Promise For The Paralyzed

A system developed by Grégoire Courtine and Jocelyne Bloch now enables patients with a complete spinal cord injury to stand, walk and even perform recreational activities like swimming, cycling and canoeing. The images made headlines around the world in late 2018. David Mzee, who had been left paralyzed by a partial spinal cord injury suffered …

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