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Looking At Art Can Help Improve Moods And Well-Being

It is not that big of a surprise to find out that looking at art can have a positive effect on our moods, but does this also apply when we are looking at art virtually? The findings of this study published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior expand insight into the limitations and benefits …

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Mental Speed Hardly Changes Over A Lifespan

Short Spurts Of Exercise May Improve Brain Function

Mental speed — the speed at which we can deal with issues requiring rapid decision-making — does not change substantially over decades. Psychologists at Heidelberg University have come to this conclusion. Under the leadership of Dr. Mischa von Krause and Dr. Stefan Radev, they evaluated data from a large-scale online experiment with over a million …

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Why Women Get More Migraines


Sex hormones such as estrogen may be responsible for greater prevalence of migraines among women, as published in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. Potential mechanisms for migraine causation to possibly explain why women experience more migraines than men is suggested by scientists to be sex hormones affecting cells around the trigeminal nerve and connected blood vessels …

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