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Strawberries May Reduce The Risk Of Dementia

Strawberries Prevent Dementia and Cognitive Decline

In berry-licious good news, research from the University of Cincinnati has found that the consumption of strawberries on a daily basis could help to reduce the risk of developing dementia for certain middle-aged populations. Their research has been published in the journal Nutrients.  “Both strawberries and blueberries contain antioxidants called anthocyanins, which have been implicated …

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Strawberry Concerns

Strawberries Prevent Dementia and Cognitive Decline

Recently a video has gone viral showing white bugs in strawberries that were submerged in a saltwater bath, and this has many people concerned. But should you be, the short answer is no, not really, even though that video may have you feeling a bit squeamish.  The insects in this video are called the spotted …

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Strawberry Compounds May Protect the Skin

Strawberry Compounds May Protect the Skin

Strawberry extract added to skin cell cultures acts as a protector against ultraviolet radiation, as well as increasing its viability and reducing damage to DNA. The earth receives the sun’s ultraviolet A (long-wave) and ultraviolet B (shortwave) rays. Exposure to UV-A radiation is known to induce discrete lesions in DNA and the generation of free …

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Strawberries Boost Heart Health

Strawberry Compounds May Protect the Skin

Strawberry extracts stimulate proteins that help to increase antioxidant activities of cells. Previously, a number of studies have shown that strawberries consumption counters post-meal blood glucose and low density lipoprotein (LDL; “bad” cholesterol), thereby helping to decrease risk of diabetes and heart disease.  Paul Thornalley, from Warwick Medical School (United Kingdom), and colleagues have discovered …

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Strawberry Boosts Heart Health

Strawberry Boosts Heart Health

Daily supplements of strawberry powder may improve heart health measures, in obese men and women. Previous studies have suggested that strawberry powder helps to lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and improve the LDL-to-HDL profile. Susan J. Zunino, from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Western Human Nutrition Research Center (California, USA), and colleagues completed a study …

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