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Is coffee good for you or bad for you?

Coffee Craze

Is coffee good or bad for you? When it comes to your genetics, the answer is complicated. Coffee drinking is a heritable habit, and one that carries a certain amount of genetic baggage. Caffeinated coffee is a psychoactive substance, notes Sandra Sanchez-Roige, Ph.D., an associate professor in the University of California San Diego School of …

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Your genes influence whether depression leads to other diseases

Brain Decline Comes Later Than Previously Thought

A new study shows that people suffering from hospital-treated depression may have a high risk of developing conditions such as substance abuse, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and anxiety – depending on their genetic predisposition to the individual disorder. Almost one in five Danes experiences depression during their lives. A new study from Aarhus University now shows …

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Self-Care Strategies for College Students Battling Mental Health Challenges

Doctors Are Not Taught Enough About Nutrition In Medical School

College life can be exciting and transformative, filled with new experiences, academic growth, and personal development. However, it’s no secret that the college journey also comes with its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to mental health. The pressures of academic performance, social interactions, and transitioning to a new environment can take a …

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How Dual Diagnosis Treatment Can Help Overcome Addiction and Mental Health Challenges Simultaneously

MDMA and EDM | How Ecstasy Thrives in Club Drug Culture

Substance abuse and mental health issues like anxiety are closely intertwined, but they do not directly influence each other.  Regardless, putting up with a dual diagnosis problem is never easy as it can negatively impact your daily life. Each condition has its own symptoms that can interfere with daily life. But, both are still treatable …

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How OTC Medications Can Increase the Dangers of Substance Abuse

How OTC Medications Can Increase the Dangers of Substance Abuse

Substance use disorders (SUD) involve illicit and prescription drugs. However, the complex issues and dangers associated with SUDs can include drugs that are legal and accessible at almost any drug store, supermarket, gas station, and most hotel lobbies. Understanding the relationship between over-the-counter (OTC) medications and substance abuse can help us avoid these dangers and …

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Is There a Difference Between Alcohol Addiction and Alcohol Dependence?

Is There a Difference Between Alcohol Addiction and Alcohol Dependence?

We take it for granted that alcohol is a staple product for consumption. For some people, alcohol is a cultural icon and even a marketing technique. Some sports teams claim an official drink to sell at their stadiums, and theme parks strike licensing deals with vendors. However, alcohol is as dangerous as it is plentiful …

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Testing “One-Stop” Mobile Clinics To Deliver HIV & Substance Use Care

Testing “One-Stop” Mobile Clinics To Deliver HIV & Substance Use Care

Image: One of five mobile health clinics deployed for the NIH-funded INTEGRA study. The artwork for the clinic was designed by artist Shepard Fairey. LifelineMobile via NIH. A clinical trial is underway in five U.S. cities to determine whether delivering integrated health services through mobile clinics can improve HIV and substance use outcomes among people with opioid …

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US Lags in Health Outcomes

US Lags in Health Outcomes

Mental conditions, substance abuse, and musculoskeletal disorders cause more disability than cancers. In nearly every major cause of premature death – from ischemic heart disease to diabetes to interpersonal violence – the United States trails its economic peers, according to research from a global collaborative of scientists led by the Institute for Health Metrics and …

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