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Maintaining A Poor Diet Associated With Depression And Anxiety

Good Foods = Good Moods

A study published in Nutritional Neuroscience suggests that eating a poor-quality diet makes our brains sad. The study of brain chemistry, structure, and diet quality carried out by the University of Reading, Roehampton University, Friesland Campina (Netherlands), and King’s College London found that maintaining a poor-quality diet can lead to brain changes that are associated …

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Nutritious Foods Worth Adding To A Balanced Diet

Nutritious Foods Worth Adding To A Balanced Diet

A balanced diet starts with making healthy sensible food choices. You don’t need to be a master chef to create nutritious and delicious meals, it just means being more conscious about what you are planning on eating. Luckily most of us have mobile phones that make it easier to look up things when we are …

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Improved Deliciousness: Chocolate With The Full Potential Of Cocoa

Improved Deliciousness: Chocolate With The Full Potential Of Cocoa

Here’s some good news for chocolate lovers, according to a study recently published in Nature Food, researchers from ETH Zurich have teamed up with the food industry chocolatiers to develop a type of whole fruit variety of dark chocolate that is more nutritious and sustainable than conventional varieties that harnesses the full potential of the …

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Debunking Big Myths About Fruits and Weight Loss

We’ve heard many people on social media—even fitness influencers—say something like, “Stop eating fruits if you want to lose weight!” “Here are the reasons why fruits aren’t as good as you think,” and so on.  Even whole foods like fruits have their own set of myths surrounding them when it comes to weight loss. But …

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Food in sight? The liver is ready!

Emotional eating: Children as young as four eat more when bored

What happens in the body when we are hungry and see and smell food? A team of researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research has now been able to show in mice that adaptations in the liver mitochondria take place after only a few minutes. Stimulated by the activation of a group of …

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Junk Food Diets Can Cause Long-Term Damage To The Brain

Typical Western Diet May Impair Brain Function

New research from the University of Southern California published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity on the effects of junk food diets reinforces scientific understanding of the gut-brain connection, finding that feasting on a high-fat sugary diet raises the possibility that a junk food-filled diet in teen years may disrupt brain memory ability for …

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Feeding the lonely brain

Dasotraline May Help To Improve Binge-Eating Disorder

A new UCLA Health study has found that women who perceive themselves to be lonely, exhibited activity in regions of the brain associated with cravings and motivation towards eating especially when shown pictures of high-calorie foods such as sugary foods. The same group of women also had unhealthy eating behaviors and poor mental health. Arpana …

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Gut Health: The Foundation of Overall Wellness

Gut Health: The Foundation of Overall Wellness

The significance of gut health has gained prominence in conversations about general well-being in recent years. To be both physically and mentally well, our gut flora must be in good health for reasons ranging from mental clarity to comfortable digestion. This post will discuss the benefits of gut health as the cornerstone of total well-being …

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Gut-Brain Circuits For Sugar And Fat Cravings Found

Gut-Brain Circuits For Sugar And Fat Cravings Found

Why we continue to overindulge in unhealthy foods remains somewhat of a longstanding mystery. We know that food has a strong power to influence our choices, but the precise circuitry in our brains behind those choices is unclear. While the vagus nerve is known to send internal sensory information from the gut to the brain …

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The Good The Bad And The Confused: Carbs Get A Bad Rap

How To Evaluate Nutrition Science (And Why Cranky Old Men On Twitter Are Not The Source)

The truth is that everyone needs to eat some carbohydrates, but this is not a free pass to load up on cookies and cakes to get the daily recommended intake. There is no questioning that some carbs are better than others, the trick is to learn about the carbs that belong on your plate and …

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