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Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Your Eye Health

Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Your Eye Health

Diabetes is a chronic condition that can adversely affect the heart, nerves, and other vital components of the body. The complications associated with diabetes can be life-changing. Even your eyes aren’t safe if you have developed that aforementioned disease. Many people generally know that diabetes is bad for the eyes, but they may not fully …

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How Kidney Disease Patients Can Better Manage Their Retinal Health

The Benefits of Donning Prescription Sunglasses for Vision Correction and Protection

Beyond being the main organs for visual processing and sight, the eyes can serve as windows to overall health and wellness. For instance, 3D eye scans are commonly used to track the early signs and progression of kidney disease. Specifically, retinal changes have been observed among patients with different stages of kidney disease, thus offering …

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The Benefits of Donning Prescription Sunglasses for Vision Correction and Protection

The Benefits of Donning Prescription Sunglasses for Vision Correction and Protection

Sunglasses are a necessity. We’ve previously noted that wearing sunglasses is vital for better eye health, as it protects you from UV damage that can lead to vision loss, prevents foreign bodies like dust from entering and irritating the eyes, and slows down aging in the skin surrounding them by shielding them from the sun. …

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Cloudy Vision? It Could Be Cataracts

A New Treatment For Glaucoma?

Your eyes are your windows to the world. If something clouds them, you may have trouble seeing well enough to read, drive, or do other daily activities. One common cause of cloudy vision is cataracts. These form in the lens of your eye. Cataracts are a normal part of aging. They occur when proteins in …

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What's Your Risk of Eye Damage From UV Light?

Repairing Sun Damaged Skin

Everyone’s eyes are susceptible to damage from ultraviolet (UV) light, regardless of age or skin pigmentation. But some people are at higher risk. Children have a high risk of sun damage as they play outside, for example. And some studies show that people with certain eye diseases such as retinal dystrophy may also be at …

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