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Navigate Your Way to Better Health: Essential Guide and Tips 2023

Bodies Of Those with Mental Illness Are Biologically Older Than Their Actual Age

Welcome to a world of wellness and vitality. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and unclear where to start in this enormous terrain of health and wellbeing. With conflicting opinions from even the most qualified experts, determining what promotes optimal health can take time and effort. However, amidst the chaos, pearls of wisdom have withstood the …

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What Are Testosterone Supplements and Do They Really Work?

The Standard Threshold For Low Testosterone Doesn't Apply To Young Men

Testosterone is a type of hormone that has an invincible role in male body development, including secondary sexual characteristics like muscle growth, body hair growth, erectile function, sperm production, etc. It naturally increases in the male body during puberty. However, people mostly indulge in taking testosterone supplements to increase their testosterone levels quickly.  You need …

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Flavanols May Help Protect Against Age-Related Cognitive Decline

Bountiful Beautiful Beneficial Berries

A study recently published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences conducted in collaboration with researchers from Columbia University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital suggests that those who eat foods that are rich in flavanols have a lower likelihood of developing age-related cognitive decline while following a Western-style diet can exacerbate memory …

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Multivitamins May Help To Slow Age-Related Memory Decline

Common Drugs That May Confer Higher Risk For COVID-19

According to a large study recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, those aged 60+ who take a multivitamin every day may benefit from the slower age-related memory decline. Researchers from Columbia University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard reported that the results of improvement remained steady over the 3 year study period, and …

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Taking vitamin D could help prevent dementia

Taking vitamin D could help prevent dementia

Researchers at the University of Calgary’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute in Canada and the University of Exeter in the UK explored the relationship between vitamin D supplementation and dementia in more than 12,388 participants of the US National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center, who had a mean age of 71 and were dementia-free when they signed up. Of …

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Dietary Supplement Leads To Remarkable Regression In Atherosclerotic Lesions

Heart Health Tips From Some Pros

Researchers from Osaka University find that routine dietary supplementation with tricaprin results in coronary artery plaque regression and resolution of symptoms in patients with triglyceride deposit cardiomyovasculopathy. When we were little, our parents told us to take our vitamins so we could grow big and strong. Now, researchers from Japan find that one particular supplement …

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Found: A Protective Probiotic For ALS

Promising Experimental ALS Drug

Scientists at the CRCHUM find that a bacterium called Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus HA-114 prevents neurodegeneration in the C. elegans worm used to study amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A probiotic bacterium called Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus HA-114 prevents neurodegeneration in the C. elegans worm, an animal model used to study amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). That’s the finding of a new …

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Improved Dietary Supplement For Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Reading Glasses: A High-Return Option for Those with Eye Issues

NIH Highlights At A Glance: Replacing a component of a dietary supplement for treating age-related macular degeneration improved its safety and efficacy over a 10-year period. The results demonstrate the merits of the supplement formulation, called AREDS2. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative disease of the eye that is the most common cause of …

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Why You Should Know About French Maritime Pine Bark (Pycnogenol)

Researchers Develop Method To Study Brain Connectivity, Functionality

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Prior randomized human studies have shown that a combination of the natural agents Pycnogenol …

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Multivitamins And Brain Health

Not All Supplements Improve Heart Health Or Delay Death

Multivitamins, some people are for them and some are against them. Regardless, millions of people take one every day for various reasons such as to make up for deficits in their diet, boosting their immune system, regulating metabolism, and bolstering brain health. You can find advertisements claiming wide-ranging health benefits (some that are even a …

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