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Are Fish Oil Supplements A Good Idea? It Is Complicated

Are Fish Oil Supplements A Good Idea? It Is Complicated

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. At the Kahn Center, it is routine to measure an Omega Index and a …

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Cranberry Extracts May Promote Gut Health

Cranberry Extracts May Promote Gut Health

Cranberries are popular meal additions around Thanksgiving and Christmas, however, recent research published in the journal npj Biofilms and Microbiomes by researchers from the Université Laval and the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF) suggests that these tart little berries should be included in meals more often, finding that these rich sources of potent …

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New study challenges one-size-fits-all approach to vitamin D supplementation guidelines

New study challenges one-size-fits-all approach to vitamin D supplementation guidelines

A new study from Trinity College Dublin scientists, sheds light on the complexities of achieving optimal vitamin D status across diverse populations. Despite substantial research on the determinants of vitamin D, levels of vitamin D deficiency remain high. The study was recently published in the journal Clinical Nutrition. Dr Margaret M. Brennan, Research Assistant, Department …

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Death By Supplement: Insufficient Oversight Leaves Patients Dying In Their Pursuit Of Health

Death By Supplement: Insufficient Oversight Leaves Patients Dying In Their Pursuit Of Health

In the quest for optimal health and well-being, many people turn to dietary supplements, often unaware of the potential dangers lurking within unregulated products. A recent tragedy in Japan, where five people lost their lives, and over 100 were hospitalized due to contaminated nutritional supplements, serves as a chilling reminder of the risks associated with …

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Could Vitamin D Be The Missing Anti-Aging Ingredient?

Could Vitamin D Be The Missing Anti-Aging Ingredient?

Humans have been on a quest to unlock the secrets of longevity to slow down aging or turn back our biological clocks for centuries, and while we haven’t found that holy grail yet, we have uncovered hints like how certain nutrients could potentially influence the biological mechanisms of aging. Vitamin D is perhaps one of …

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Anti-Aging: Going To The Dogs

Anti-Aging: Going To The Dogs

Human clinical trials notoriously go through many lengthy processes that could take decades, long enough for the study subjects to be monitored and live out the rest of their lives. Canine trials, however, do not take as long due to their shorter lifespans, meaning that before there is an anti-aging drug for humans, we are …

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Eating Kiwi Could Make A Difference To How You Feel

Eating Kiwi Could Make A Difference To How You Feel

Eating this furry fruit may help to improve your mental health quickly, according to a study recently published in The British Journal of Nutrition from the University of Otago, finding that kiwifruit improved vitality and mood in as little as four days.  “It’s great for people to know that small changes in their diet, like …

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Live From Miami Beach: A4M March Symposium Highlights

Live From Miami Beach: A4M March Symposium Highlights

Reporting live from Miami Beach, A4M hosted hundreds of modern medicine’s leading game-changers over the March 1-3 weekend at the March Symposium. We’re thrilled to be amongst such an inspiring crowd of renowned experts, pioneering researchers, and dedicated practitioners committed to elevating their knowledge, practice, and patient outcomes — a thriving community we are honored …

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Is There Still A Role for Niacin in the Treatment of Dyslipidemias?

Research shows possible risks of too much niacin

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. He shared a recent interview to bring more attention to important questions and answers …

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Daily Fiber Supplement May Improve Brain Function In 12 Weeks

Daily Fiber Supplement May Improve Brain Function In 12 Weeks

A daily fiber supplement improved brain function in adults in just 12 weeks according to a study published in Nature Communications from the School of Life Course & Population Sciences showing that this cheap addition to a daily routine can help to improve the performance in memory tests that are associated with early signs of …

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