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Can Exercise Turn Back The Clock In Aging Muscles?

Stop The Clock: Rules For Immortality

Exercise is called a drug-free polypill that can benefit nearly everyone by many physicians because it can help prevent and treat many chronic diseases at a low cost that are associated with aging. More to it, exercise-induced changes reprogram the epigenetic expression of fibers to a more youthful state. So, to answer the question “Can …

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Brain Training: Is It Really Use It Or Lose It?

Brain Training: Is It Really Use It Or Lose It?

The term “use it or lose it” has been used for countless things, lately, it is being used to convey the message that cognitive health can be preserved or improved with mentally stimulating activities. Numerous modifiable risk factors are associated with the loss of cognitive abilities with age, and a cognitively active lifestyle may have …

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Cold Water Swimming May Help Improve Symptoms Of Menopause

Cold Water Swimming May Help Improve Symptoms Of Menopause

Women who regularly swim in cold water report experiencing significant improvements to both their physical and mental menopause symptoms, according to research recently published in Post Reproductive Health that was led by researchers from the University College London (UCL).  This study involved 1114 women, 785 of whom were experiencing symptoms of menopause to examine the …

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Family Adventures: Surprising Impact on Physical and Emotional Wellness

Family Adventures: Surprising Impact on Physical and Emotional Wellness

Families often find spending quality time together in today’s fast-paced world challenging. However, the benefits of engaging in family adventures go far beyond creating lasting memories. Recent studies show that these experiences have a significant impact on both physical and emotional well-being. This article will explore the benefits of family adventures, backed by compelling statistics. …

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A Cold Plunge Could Be The Hot Ticket To Menopause Relief

A Cold Plunge Could Be The Hot Ticket To Menopause Relief

A paper published in the journal Post Reproductive Health from University College London suggests that menopausal women who regularly swim in cold water experience significant improvements in their physical and mental symptoms.  Findings from the study examining the effects of cold water swimming on the health and well-being of 1114 women, 785 of whom were …

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Cold Water Swims May Be Beneficial For Men

Air temperature may trigger heart attacks

Findings from a major scientific review published in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health suggest that swimming in cold water may cut “bad” body fat in men as well as reduce the risk for disorders such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Cold water bathing is becoming an increasingly popular hobby, and oddly enough it …

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Many Types Of Leisure Time Activities May Lower Risk Of Death For Older Adults

Many Types Of Leisure Time Activities May Lower Risk Of Death For Older Adults

Older adults who participate weekly in many different types of leisure time activities, such as walking for exercise, jogging, swimming laps, or playing tennis, may have a lower risk of death from any cause, as well as death from cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to a new study led by researchers at the National Cancer …

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Tips for Enjoying Outdoor Activities as Summer Arrives

Top Adventure Sports For A Change Of Routine

Biking is one of many great ways to maintain your readiness and stay fit while enjoying the outdoors with friends and family. In the summer, remember to wear proper attire and have plenty of water, sun protection, and bug spray with you. With summer officially arriving in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time to get outside. …

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5 Ways You Can Help Your Elderly Loved Ones Remain Healthy and Active

Keeping An Active Social Life May Help Seniors Live Longer

The risk of certain diseases increases as we get older. However, a healthy and active lifestyle can reduce this risk. Therefore, it’s important to keep your elderly loved ones healthy and active even as they age. Even though things like chronic pain can keep one from being active, there are many ways that your elderly …

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Swim Exercises For Weight Loss: Workouts That Work

Water Aerobics

Swimming is a fantastic form of exercise that provides an all-round body workout. Swimming works every muscle in the body and is one of the most versatile and effective workouts around. It offers a safe, high-aerobic, low-impact workout, allowing you to swim as much as you like without worrying about injuries. If you do have …

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