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Mitochondria Power-Supply Failure May Cause Age-Related Cognitive Impairment

Mitochondria Power-Supply Failure May Cause Age-Related Cognitive Impairment

Image: Electron microscopic image of neurons in the brain showing the presynaptic boutons (yellow), mitochondria (purple), and synapses (blue). Credit: Salk Institute Salk scientists find mitochondria at dysfunctional synapses fail to meet energetic demand, supplying either too much or too little power and potentially causing age-related cognitive impairment Brains are like puzzles, requiring many nested …

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Sugar is processed differently in the brains of obesity-prone vs. obesity-resistant rats

Sugar Changes Brain Chemistry

On a diet? Perhaps you’re avoiding sweets or carbs altogether or curbing late-night munchies. These are examples of behavior modifications and when it comes to food, avoiding those diet triggers can be pretty hard to do. To understand what drives people to overeat, scientists are looking more closely at a brain structure involved in motivation, …

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Non-Neuronal Cells Drive Sex Differences In Early Brain Development

Research uncovers differences between men and women in sleep, circadian rhythms and metabolism

During development, brain cells may find different ways to connect with each other based on sex, according to researchers at the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine. The study, recently published in eNeuro, an open-access journal for the Society of Neuroscience, showed a significantly more robust synaptogenic response in male-derived cells compared to …

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Short Spurts Of Exercise May Improve Brain Function

Short Spurts Of Exercise May Improve Brain Function

A study from Oregon Health and Science University suggest using a treadmill every morning may improve brain function, even if only used for a short period of time. Mtss1L gene has been identified in mice to be activated by short bursts of exercise, and this gene is similar to human genes that act to ready …

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Young Blood Improved Memory & Learning In Mice Studies

Young Blood Improved Memory & Learning In Mice Studies

The US FDA has recently warned against anti-aging therapies in the form of blood transfusions from younger donors, however, a new study has shown young blood may be beneficial to fighting age related decline, as published in the journal Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences. Blood of younger mice was injected into older mice …

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