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Double trouble at chromosome ends

Double trouble at chromosome ends

Image Caption: CST–Polα-primase, the enzyme that solves the newly discovered end-replication problem. Image Credit: Sarah Cai/Rockefeller University Half a century ago, scientists Jim Watson and Alexey Olovnikov independently realized that there was a problem with how our DNA gets copied. A quirk of linear DNA replication dictated that telomeres that protect the ends of chromosomes …

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5 Key Purposes Served By Peptide Synthesis

Investigating the Clinical Uses of Peptides

Peptide synthesis and application are growing in interest due to the constant developments in bioengineering and biotechnology. The process involves creating short chains of polypeptides and assembling amino acids into the chains in alignment with the genetic properties within deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Peptides are simply sequences of amino acids in the human body. They are …

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How Cells Prevent Harmful Extra DNA Copies

Men Lose Y Chromosomes With Age

A protein that prepares DNA for replication also prevents the replication process from running out of control, according to a new study by Weill Cornell Medicine researchers. The work, published on Jan. 5 in Molecular Cell, solves a mystery that has long puzzled biologists. The cells of humans and all other higher organisms use a …

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Does Sunscreen Jeopardize Vitamin D Levels?

Sunscreen Made from DNA Improves with Prolonged Exposure

As we learn more about the importance of vitamin D levels in the development of various disease the warmer weather brings about questions of concern regarding sunscreen and whether it inhibits the body’s production of vitamin D. “Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. Sunscreens can prevent sunburn and skin cancer, but there has …

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