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Massage and Relaxation: Your Holistic Prescription for Better Health

Why You Should Consider A CBD Oil Massage

Do you know what always seems to help when you’re feeling stressed or just need to unwind? A nice, relaxing massage. There’s just something about those soothing hands working out all those knots in your shoulders that can melt your troubles away, at least for a little while. But did you know massage can be …

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Need a Lower Blood Pressure? Try Tai Chi for Benefits

Tai Chi is Beneficial for Fall Prevention

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. He shared a recent interview to bring more attention to important questions and answers …

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Effective Ways To Drop Unwanted Pounds

Studies Suggest To Get Active If You Want To Live Longer

At one point or another, all of us have tried to lose some weight, with varying success. Success depends on a variety of reasons, such as some methods being more effective for some than others, motivation, effort put in, and some methods being better suited to certain skill levels. Most often people get derailed when …

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Some Benefits, Potential Risks With Alternative Medicines For Heart Failure

Natural Remedies For Pain And Infection

AHA Statement Highlights: There are some benefits and potentially serious risks when people with heart failure use complementary and alternative treatments to manage symptoms. People with heart failure should tell their health care team including pharmacists if they are using any over-the-counter or other treatments, such as herbal supplements or exercise programs, other than those …

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Seated Form Of Tai Chi Might Boost Stroke Recovery

Tai Chi is Beneficial for Fall Prevention

A seated form of traditional martial art can help stroke survivors regain strength and balance and help relieve depression symptoms as well as or better than standard post-stroke exercise programs, according to a new study from China. The study’s authors said it was the first randomized controlled trial to analyze the ability of a modified …

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The Pandemic Has Made Many Seniors Less Active

Longevity Gene Protein May Offer Extended Healthier Lives

In normal times, Cindy Myers, an executive at a nonprofit organization, is “not a real physical person,” she said. “I work at desk jobs. I’m not a big exerciser.” Still, before the pandemic, Dr. Myers, who is 64 and has a doctorate in organization development, commuted from her home in Petaluma, Calif., to an office …

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Physical Activity: Keep Moving Even When Stuck At Home

The Brain Is The Body’s Most Important Sex Organ

Recent events are keeping many people stuck homebound as most events have either been canceled or put on pause and many people are working or going to school from home due to mandates and restrictions which has created some anxiety and challenges like how to stay physically active to go along with the cabin fever.  …

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Tai Chi At Home

Tai Chi is Beneficial for Fall Prevention

With the stay at home orders being extended many people are looking for ways to exercise at home. Tai Chi is a great option that will also help to improve balance, flexibility, reduce stress, improve moods, strengthen your heart, ease pain and much more all from the safety of your home.  A simple look online …

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Exercising For Better Balance


For anyone that worries about falling, especially seniors, having better balance may help, and there are exercises that may help to improve your balance to help avoid experiencing serious injuries from trips, slips, tumbles, and falls.  With age sometimes people feel unsteady on their feet, but this doesn’t have to be the case as something …

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Tai Chi May Be Better For Fibromyalgia Than Aerobic Exercises

Tai Chi May Be Better For Fibromyalgia Than Aerobic Exercises

A new study suggests that the traditional martial art of tai chi may be as good as or better than that of aerobic exercises for improving overall severity of fibromyalgia symptoms, as published in BMJ. Tai chi was associated with greater improvements to fibromyalgia in addition to symptom relief of depression, anxiety, self-efficacy, and the …

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