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Water Wars: Distilled, Purified, Or Tap?

Water Wars: Distilled, Purified, Or Tap?

Do you have a water preference, or do you think water is just water? A trip to any grocery store or convenience shop will show you many different brands, but one of the things people are seeing on labels seems to be throwing them off: distilled water.  Distilled water has entered the arena. Although it …

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Massachusetts drinking water may contain unsafe levels of manganese

Toxic Contaminants Found In California’s Tap Water

A new study measured manganese levels in the residential tap water of a Holliston, Mass. community and found that the manganese concentrations occasionally exceeded the maximum safety level recommended in state and federal guidelines. Manganese is an unregulated contaminant often found in drinking water, but safe levels of this metal are currently unknown, and prior …

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Toxic Contaminants Found In California’s Tap Water

Toxic Contaminants Found In California’s Tap Water

The Environmental Working Group has conducted a first of its kind study to investigate risks associated with all contaminants in California state’s public water systems collectively which has revealed that toxic pollutants in their drinking water could cause more than 15,000 cases of cancer. A new analytical technique was used to quantify combined health impacts …

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