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Discovery Of Anti-Cancer Chemistry Makes Skullcap Fit For Modern Medicine

Alternative For Treating Recurring Urinary Tract Infections

The evolutionary secrets that enable the medicinal herb known as barbed skullcap to produce cancer-fighting compounds have been unlocked by a collaboration of UK and Chinese researchers. The CEPAMS collaboration used DNA sequencing technology to assemble the genomic sequence of skullcap (Scutellaria barbata) known in China as banzhilian. This gave researchers the genetic information – …

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Possible Treatment For Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Possible Treatment For Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Within America non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common liver disease, and as the name implies NAFLD is not due to alcohol but rather it is associated with metabolic disorders such as obesity, diabetes, and high triglycerides.  Those with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can either have simple fatty liver which is not accompanied with …

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Traditional Chinese Medicine For Health Maintenance And Prevention

Alternative For Treating Recurring Urinary Tract Infections

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for centuries, the ancient system of medicine uses medicinal herbs and formulations along with different mind and body practices like tai chi and acupuncture to address various health issues for an all over mind and body protection.  Numerous studies have explored the efficacy of a variety of TCM approaches, …

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COVID-19 Newest Prevention Method: "Dynamito Mitochondria"


Article courtesy of Kenneth Kwok Co-President of Asian World Anti-Aging And Well-Being Association as well as the Founder and CEO of Global Citizen Capital; along with HanChung Cheng Chairman of MitoBioMed. The new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a large-scale outbreak. The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to the SARS outbreak in 2002 because the …

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Global Research Pushes Molecular Medicine Therapy for Coronavirus Treatment

Whole Slide Digital Imaging

Scientists are working night and day, racing to find a cure for the novel coronavirus; and an East-meets-West combination of medicines is now suggested to be the recommended course. Health authorities in the Republic of China are focusing more and more on millennia-old traditional medicines to treat the novel coronavirus which has so far reportedly …

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Drug Derived from Mushrooms Holds Promise for Cancer Treatment


University of Nottingham (UK) researchers discover new insights that may facilitate the utilization of a drug derived from cordyceps, a mushroom that is commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), for the treatment of cancer. Cordyceps is a mushroom that is commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and was first mentioned in a medical …

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