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Smart Contact Lenses For Cancer Diagnostics And Screening

Glucose Monitoring Contact Lens

Scientists from the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI) have developed a contact lens that can capture and detect exosomes, nanometer-sized vesicles found in bodily secretions which have the potential for being diagnostic cancer biomarkers. The lens was designed with microchambers bound to antibodies that can capture exomes found in tears.  This antibody-conjugated signaling microchamber …

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Exercise Can Provide Relief For Dry, Itchy Eyes


A team led by researchers from the University of Waterloo discovered that a significant increase in tear secretion and tear film stability after participating in aerobic exercise can be another remedy for relieving dry, itchy eyes. Every time we blink, our eyes are covered in tear film—an essential protective coating necessary for maintaining healthy ocular …

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Possible New Treatment For Dry Eye Disease

Possible New Treatment For Dry Eye Disease

An enzyme based formulation to treat severe dry eye disease is showing promising results for improving signs of disease and discomfort in patients with severe dry eye disease, as published in Translational Vision Science and Technology. The randomized placebo controlled phase I/II clinical trial compares eye drops containing a biosynthetic form of the enzyme DNase …

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