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How Weight Management Platforms Benefit Providers

How Weight Management Platforms Benefit Providers

Key Takeaways: The Role of Technology in Modern Weight Management In today’s digital age, technology plays a crucial role in healthcare. Weight management platforms, in particular, have become indispensable tools for providers seeking to offer comprehensive care. These platforms provide various features supporting practitioners and patients, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes. These platforms can …

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Digital Eye Strain: How to Protect Your Eyes from Screens

Overlooking The Importance Of Eye Health

Computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones have become daily working essentials. While these digital technologies have helped people stay efficient, they can also cause health problems such as Digital Eye Strain (DES). Digital Eye Strain (DES) or computer vision syndrome refers to several eye conditions caused by high screen time. Without proper screen time management, digital …

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Ultra Thin Minimally Invasive Pacemaker Controlled By Light

Ultra Thin Minimally Invasive Pacemaker Controlled By Light

Image caption: University of Chicago materials researcher Pengju Li holds a prototype pacemaker made of a specially engineered membrane. At just one-fiftieth of a gram, it is significantly smaller and lighter than current pacemakers. Image Credit: Jean Lachat/University of Chicago Millions of people around the globe rely on pacemakers to regulate the electrical impulses of …

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Transparent brain implant can read deep neural activity from the surface

Transparent brain implant can read deep neural activity from the surface

Image Caption: When placed on the surface of the brain, this thin, flexible implant enables researchers to capture high-resolution information about neural activity deep inside the brain without damaging its delicate tissue. Photo Credit: David Baillot/University of California-San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering Researchers at the University of California San Diego have developed a neural …

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The Evolution and Impact of Mobile Health Apps on Personal Wellness

Developing AI To Detect Heart Disease

Mobile health applications have evolved as effective tools to improve and maintain personal well-being in the fast-paced digital world, where cell phones have become an essential part of our lives. These apps take advantage of smartphones’ capabilities to offer various health-related services, such as tailored diet regimens and activity tracking. This article examines the development …

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Bridging the Digital Gap for Senior Health and Happiness

Protecting Lone Workers in the Home Healthcare Industry

The world’s population is aging rapidly. By 2030, the World Health Organization estimates that 1 in 6 people will be over the age of 60. The over-60 population is also expected to double in the next 30 years as access to healthcare improves. The rapid rise in average age is a sign that our healthcare …

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4 Ways Advancements in Technology Are Improving Eye Health

4 Ways Advancements in Technology Are Improving Eye Health

Vision impairment and disability can be debilitating in a person’s daily life. From slight discomfort and inconvenience to chronic and severe pain, eye problems should be addressed as early as possible to prevent them from worsening. The CDC’s fast facts on common eye disorders point to approximately 12 million US adults having vision impairment, including …

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Aging In Place With AgeTech

Aging In Place With AgeTech

As a whole, we face the challenges of an aging population, and this global demographic shift has multiple implications for our society and economy as older adults are more likely to develop chronic conditions and require frequent medical attention. However, we also live in a world that is changing as advances in digital technology are …

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Mobile Tech Related Accidents Are On The Rise

Mobile Tech Related Accidents Are On The Rise

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has been operating an injury surveillance and follow-back system called the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) for over 45 years to collect data on consumer product-related injuries across the United States, and it uses this data to create nationwide estimates of product-related injuries. For this report, all tech …

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The Digital Edge: Building and Growing Your Online Presence for Practice Success


In today’s digital age, medical professionals must maneuver an ever-evolving healthcare landscape, particularly in their efforts to attract and retain patients. Relying solely on word-of-mouth recommendations and referrals is no longer sufficient for achieving practice growth. The online realm has become a challenging battleground for health practitioners vying for prospective patients’ increasingly fragmented attention and …

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