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Harnessing the Power of AI in Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine

Harnessing the Power of AI in Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by providing computer systems with human-like intelligence to perform complex tasks such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. As the capabilities of this technology expand, so will the number of its potential applications in the medical realm. In anti-aging and functional medicine, physicians may …

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Addressing the Different Causes of Bad Posture for Better Spinal Health

Hormone Therapy Can Help Reduce Spine Curvature

Poor posture results from daily habits, such as looking down at a smartphone or frequently carrying heavy objects. While one may disregard their posture issues as harmless or think it’s too late to correct them, experts say otherwise. Improper posture’s consequences include an increased risk of falling as your center of gravity goes forward, frequent …

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Amputees feel warmth in their missing hand

Amputees feel warmth in their missing hand

Image Caption: The MiniTouch device allows amputees to feel hot and cold in their phantom hand, as viewed by a thermal camera. Image Credit: EPFL/Alain Herzog An unexpected discovery about temperature feedback has led to new bionic technology that allows amputees to sense the temperature of objects – both hot and cold — directly in the …

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Edible electronics: How a seaweed second skin could transform health and fitness sensor tech

Scientists at the University of Sussex have successfully trialed new biodegradable health sensors that could change the way we experience personal healthcare and fitness monitoring technology. The team at Sussex have developed new health sensors (wearables) — such as those worn by runners or patients to monitor heart rate and temperature — using natural elements …

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The Link Between Screen Time and Teenage Obesity

Preventing Childhood Obesity Requires Changes In Parents’ And Clinicians’ Early-Life Care

Teenage obesity is a growing concern worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of obese children and adolescents has risen tenfold in the last four decades. In the United States alone, the prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents aged 2-19 years has tripled since the 1970s. Obesity is a complex problem …

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How Employee Mental Health Impacts the Finance, Marketing, Healthcare, and Technology Industries: Facts and Strategies

Depression Increases Your Brain Age

Working professionals and companies that employ them are in much need of information regarding mental health. Several industries, including finance, technology, healthcare, and sales and marketing, struggle to address this topic among employees. As a result, these industries experience high turnover rates and burnt-out professionals. Globally, depression and anxiety account for 12 billion missed work …

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Why You Can’t Stop Hearing About ChatGPT (And You Won’t): What It Is, How It Works, And Why It’s Important

AI May Be Able to Predict Premature Death

The future of healthcare is rapidly evolving, and technology plays a major role in shaping it. From wearables to sensors, nanobots to chatbots, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the healthcare industry. These technologies allow for the collection and utilization of data from a growing number of sources, including those …

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Study Shows Habitual Checking Of Social Media May Impact Young Adolescents’ Brain Development: Social Disaster

Modern Stress & Mobile Devices

Question:  Is adolescents’ frequency of checking behaviors on 3 social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat) associated with longitudinal changes in functional brain development across adolescence? Findings:  In this cohort study of 169 sixth- and seventh-grade students, participants who engaged in habitual checking behaviors showed a distinct neurodevelopmental trajectory within regions of the brain comprising the …

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How Technology is Changing the Medical Profession

6 Crazy Clues to Suspect Early Heart Disease

Technological advancements impact every industry. However, the most notable advancements are arguably within the medical profession. Each year, innovations and discoveries reshape how medical professionals learn and provide patient care. Here are some of the fascinating ways that advances in technology are working to change the medical profession for the better: Improving Access to Training …

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Social Media Use Linked To Developing Depression Regardless Of Personality

Is Bedtime Media Use Detrimental For Sleep?

Researchers in public policy and education recently found that young adults who use more social media are significantly more likely to develop depression within six months, regardless of personality type.  Published in the Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, the study, “Associations between social media use, personality structure, and development of depression,” was co-authored by Renae …

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