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Vision of expanded genetic code for making novel biologics comes closer to realization

Research identifies potential role of ‘junk DNA’ sequence in aging, cancer

Synthetic biology advance points to a future of more precisely engineered protein therapeutics or other new compounds. One of modern biologists’ most ambitious goals is to learn how to expand or otherwise modify the genetic code of life on Earth, in order to make new, artificial life forms. Part of the motivation for this “synthetic …

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Expanding Your Practice with Hormonal Health

Expanding Your Practice with Hormonal Health

As awareness of the importance of hormones and their health implications grows, the hormone health industry will continue to evolve and expand at rapid rates. Over the past several decades, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has experienced a surge in popularity, driven by increased advertising, growing accessibility, and treatment innovations. Now increasingly provided under the wing …

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Investigational COVID-19 Therapeutics To Be Evaluated In Large Clinical Trials

Investigational COVID-19 Therapeutics To Be Evaluated In Large Clinical Trials

According to a news release, the National Institutes of Health are enrolling participants who have been hospitalized with COVID-19 to evaluate investigation therapeutics in two large clinical trials.  Two randomized, controlled Phase 3 clinical trials have begun evaluating investigational monoclonal antibodies for their safety and efficacy in treating people hospitalized with moderate COVID-19. The trials …

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Psychedelics Reported To Relieve Asthma With No Mental Effects

Denver Decriminalizes Psilocybin

Psychedelics are of interest in the medical community due to their anti-inflammatory properties, but efforts to transform them into therapeutics are hampered by laws restricting their use, and the stigma that has been associated with them.  The company Eleusis was founded with the mission of turning psychedelics into anti-inflammatory therapeutics in 2014. Now the company …

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2020 Coronavirus Report

2020 Coronavirus Report

Article courtesy of: Dr. Ron Klatz M.D., D.O. who is the President/Founder of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), best selling author, lecturer, innovator, medical scientist, leading authority on anti-aging and longevity, and advocate for health, happiness, and wellness for all.  The numbers on the image correspond with the numbers in the article body. 1. This …

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SEDDS Oral Peptide Therapeutic Delivery

High Fat Diet And Epigenetic Change May Lead To Inherited Heart Disease

Peptide therapeutics are being increasingly used due to their high potency, specific mode of action and safety; over 60 peptides are currently available, 140 are in clinical trials, and another 500 in preclinical development. Approximately 70% of peptides are delivered via injection, but due to needles not being very popular scientists are exploring alternative routes …

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