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Promising approach to prevent recurrence of breast cancer

Breast Cancer Patients Skipping Chemo

Treatment outcomes for breast cancer have become better over the years, but proportion of breast cancers still recur even after long periods without signs of cancer remaining dormant in the body. Finnish cancer researchers discovered a mechanism that wakes up these dormant breast cancer cells and demonstrated that preventing the mechanism can significantly improve treatment …

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Antibody-peptide inhibitor conjugates: A new path for cancer therapy

Antibody-peptide inhibitor conjugates: A new path for cancer therapy

Cancer treatments often struggle with balancing efficacy and side effects. A new study by EPFL scientists offers a promising solution using antibody-peptide inhibitor conjugates to target specific cell types and block the activity of cancer-promoting enzymes called cathepsins. Tumor cells often hijack normal physiological processes to support their growth, exploiting proteins that are in charge …

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Chelation Therapy Fails to Improve Outcome in Heart Disease: The TACT2 Trial

Pay To Play Anti-Aging Clinical Trial

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Dr. Kahn is one of the featured speakers at the A4M 32nd Annual Spring …

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Driving Through Anxiety: How Accidents Can Affect Mental Well-Being

Why Is Mental Health Important?

You’re sitting in your car, minding your own business on your commute home from work when – BAM! – some jerk rear-ends you. As you sit there waiting for the police to arrive, you start to feel your heart racing and your hands shaking. Could this fender bender lead to serious anxiety behind the wheel? …

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Gene therapy restores hearing in children with hereditary deafness

Advance In Glaucoma Gene Therapy

Press Release Highlights: A clinical trial in China in collaboration with Mass Eye and Ear investigators showcased the recovery of hearing for individuals suffering from a type of inherited deafness, DFNB9. Five of six children treated demonstrated hearing recovery and improvements in speech recognition. No dose-limiting toxicities were reported. The trial, which began in December …

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New discovery could aid regenerative heart therapies

Placental Stem Cells Can Regenerate Heart After Heart Attack

Researchers identify RBFox1 as a key intrinsic regulator of heart muscle cell maturation, overcoming a major limitation in cardiac regenerative therapy and disease modelling and demonstrating for the first time that RNA splicing control can significantly impact this process. Scientists led by Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore and the University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA) …

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Restored Brain Function After Stroke

Deep Brain Stimulation Shows Benefit For Stroke Survivors

A study led by Researchers at Lund University in Sweden in collaboration with the University of Rome La Sapienza and Washington University at St. Louis reported success in restoring lost brain function in mouse models of stroke using small molecules. Their findings published in BRAIN, suggest that these molecules could one day potentially be developed …

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Empower Your Health: Key Self-Care Tactics for Healthcare Workers

Empower Your Health: Key Self-Care Tactics for Healthcare Workers

In the demanding world of healthcare, professionals often navigate a tightrope between their responsibilities and personal health. This guide from delves into fundamental self-care strategies, crucial for avoiding burnout and achieving a harmonious work-life balance. These practices are not just beneficial; they are essential for maintaining robust physical and mental health, enabling healthcare workers …

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Healing Under Pressure: The Power of Hyperbaric Medicine

Healing Under Pressure: The Power of Hyperbaric Medicine

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) stands at the forefront of functional, anti-aging medical innovation. Originally used to treat conditions such as carbon monoxide poisoning and air or gas embolism, this modality is now emerging as a promising therapeutic option for a wide variety of health conditions. HBOT’s versatility makes it ideal for tailored protocols based on …

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Canine cuddles can comfort equally across all genders

Canine cuddles can comfort equally across all genders

Image Caption: A first-of-its-kind study from the Okanagan School of Education has determined that canine therapy can help students feel better and more optimistic regardless of their gender. Photo credit: Freya Green. While there are a number of studies demonstrating that dog therapy programs can improve a person’s social and emotional well-being, many typically have …

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