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New genetic cause of obesity could help guide treatment

New CRISPR technology offers unrivaled control of epigenetic inheritance

A team of international researchers, led by the University of Exeter, discovered that people with a genetic variant that disables the SMIM1 gene have higher body weight because they expend less energy when at rest. SMIM1 SMIM1 was only identified 10 years ago, whilst searching for the gene encoding a specific blood group, known as …

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Can You Use TOO Much Progesterone?

PMDD: The Tragedy of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

By Carol Petersen RPh, CNP Too much progesterone, how much is too much? During the last trimester of pregnancy, women can reach levels of progesterone in the serum as high as 200-300 ng/ml and more. During the luteal phase, getting to a level of 20 to 30 ng/ml is usual. Most women feel amazing during …

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Inflammation, Hormones, and Health: Navigating the Complex Connection

Inflammation, Hormones, and Health: Navigating the Complex Connection

Systemic inflammation, often called chronic low-grade inflammation, can persist for long periods without apparent symptoms making it difficult to identify and manage. Common signs of inflammation, such as fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, skin changes, and cognitive issues, may often be mistaken for other conditions leaving many patients without a precise diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Chronic systemic …

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Nitric Oxide and Hormones

Nitric Oxide (NO) – Yes, We Want It

Nitric oxide (NO) supports homeostasis in the endothelium. Endothelial cells are cells that line the interior surface of blood vessels or lymphatic vessels. Vascular endothelial cells line the entire circulatory system, from the heart to the smallest capillaries. Decreased production of NO disrupts this homeostasis and increases the risk for several conditions like cardiovascular disease, …

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Simple Method Destroys Dangerous 'Forever Chemicals,' Making Water Safe

Simple Method Destroys Dangerous 'Forever Chemicals,' Making Water Safe

If you’re despairing at recent reports that Earth’s water sources have been thoroughly infested with hazardous human-made chemicals called PFAS that can last for thousands of years, making even rainwater unsafe to drink, there’s a spot of good news. Chemists at UCLA and Northwestern University have developed a simple way to break down almost a …

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Daily Exposure To 'Forever Chemicals' Costs America Billions In Health Costs

Study Finds No Evidence Of Benefit In Most New Pharma Drugs

Daily exposure to a class of chemicals used in the production of many household items may lead to cancer, thyroid disease, and childhood obesity, a new study shows. The resulting economic burden is estimated to cost Americans a minimum of $5.5 billion and as much as $63 billion over the lifetime of the current population. …

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Flow Chart Medicine

Treating Thyroid Problems Naturally

When I started my career as a pharmacist many years ago, one of my mentors warned me that pharmacists were expendable. We would soon be replaced by vending machines. Indeed, I witnessed the first of these being installed in hospitals to dispense commonly used drugs on the floors.  Medical practitioners are equally expendable. With FDA …

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People with low BMI aren't more active, they are just less hungry and 'run hotter'

Kick Starting A Slow Metabolism

To date, most research on obesity has focused on studying those with a high body mass index (BMI), but a research group in China is taking a different approach. In a study published July 14 in the journal Cell Metabolism, the scientists looked at individuals with a very low BMI. Their findings reveal that these …

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Thyroid Problems Are Escalating Rapidly In The UK

Thyroid Problems Are Escalating Rapidly In The UK

Dr. Quinton Fivelman Ph.D., the Chief Scientific Officer at London Medical Laboratory, is warning that thyroid problems may be escalating rapidly in the UK population and it is likely that there is a direct link between SARS-CoV-2 and abnormal thyroid function. While the average global incidence of thyroid problems in the population is only around …

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Chemicals From Hair And Beauty Products Impact Hormones, Especially During Pregnancy

New Diagnostics For Alzheimer's? Detecting Dementia In The Blood

The use of certain personal care products during pregnancy may impact maternal hormone levels, according to a new Rutgers study. Personal care and beauty products contain several ingredients that often include a wide range of endocrine-disrupting chemicals like phthalates, parabens, phenols, parabens and toxic metals. These chemicals interact with hormone systems, influencing synthesis, regulation, transport, …

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